Hi to all our valued customers and friends. Days are getting longer and there is a chill in the air at night reminding us that summer is almost gone and school time is quickly approaching. We had such a wonderful summer at the shop. Between staff holidays we featured excellent summer storybooks to keep children's interest high and to fuel their passion when it comes to life-long reading skills and promoting the love of reading .
I want to say a big thank you to all the people who so willingly gathered around us to make our reading programme such a success!! First of all to our good friend and fellow-worker Donna , who so lovingly looks after the shop one day a week so Jane and I can have admin time together. Our storytime stops on Thursday nights out on the patio were so well attended. We thank all the guest readers who donated their time and talents to read to the children faithfully each week, and especially to Sandy, Streetsville's prima librarian, who came with a book tucked under her arm to share with both parents and children. We could not have done this without our willing volunteers and we are so grateful for each and every one of them.
We are beginning to sign people up for our September seminars. The dates are September 14, 21, 28 and October 4. The seminars will be on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. and we are expecting a full house, so please sign up early. Check out our website for more details: www.babybookworms.ca.
It's good to be back so please interact with us and let us know what you are thinking or can suggest to help us take reading to a whole new level and to the entire world! Yes, our vision is very, very big!
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