Thursday, December 22, 2011

Getting closer... oh my!

The time is fast approaching when Christmas will be upon us. The mad dashing, shopping, wrapping, decorating, partying....whew.... enough to make you go mad! But please don't do it. There is still time to put on the brakes, hit the pause button and sit and reflect on the true meaning for the season.
I want to tell you about a special book today that I heard many, many years ago on a Christian radio programme. I was so touched and taken by the text that I actually ordered it from that pastor's broadcast and have savoured the message from that little book every Christmas since. The name of the book is "The Tale of the Trees," authored by Hunt Angela Elwell. It is a retold folktale about three trees in the forest who grow up and are selected for very special purposes. They find they are chosen for positions of the most highest calling: one becomes the manger for baby Jesus, one the boat that carries Him on the Sea of Galilee and the last one becomes the cross on which he died. I have purchased and give this book many times as a present to people I love. This little book was Lion's best selling picture storybook ever - selling over a million copies (probably mostly to me).
Another treasured book regarding the true meaning of Christmas is "The Crippled Lamb" by Max Lucado. A little lamb gets to witness the birth of the Saviour on that blessed Christmas night. It is such a tender and endearing story and it will surely warm your heart.
Have a great day, stop and take some deep breathes and read, read to your children this season.
Read on.

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