Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Winter's brutal realities....

Here is a book that I think you will enjoy. It is intended for 4-9 year olds and the wonderful thing about it is that it is based on a true story. We all have our "winter" stories to share. I remember my dad saying that he skied to school every day. He lived in an isolated little farm outside of a small town and each morning he and his brothers and sisters put on hand-made wooden skis and journeyed to their little one room school house way out in the countryside. He often went in early so he could get the fire up and running and provide the next wave of kids with warmth and sometimes hot tea when they arrived. I have included an already finished book review for you to enjoy. Try as a family after reading the book to discuss your own personal winter stories collected from different generations of it's members. Have a blessed day and read on.

From Kirkus Reviews
A curious true incident is incorporated into a pleasant glimpse of a Budapest family during WW II. Tibor describes Sunday outings, on Papa's day off from the paprika factory, to see the bridge over the Danube or visit the hippopotamuses at the zoo, where they thrive in the natural warm springs. But wartime shortages threaten hippos, even more than people, until Papa suggests feeding them straw, such as that in their own doormat; the hippos then survive the war's coldest winter by eating 9,000 straw hats and slippers contributed by loyal fans. The war is offstage here; what's of interest is the warm period picture of family and city, authentically portrayed in Knutson's adroitly sketched pencil and watercolor art. (Picture book. 4-9) -- Copyright ©1993, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.

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