Monday, February 27, 2012

Ahhh the Academy Awards....

Last night one of the bigger productions in television history took place. The 84th Academy Awards, hosted by Billy Crystal, was televised from the Kodak Theatre. The big winner of the night was "The Artist" but "Hugo" also won big time. When I reflected on the power of the movie screen I was reminded that most of these blockbusters were birthed from stellar reading books. "The Help", "War Horse", "Hugo", "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo","The Twilight Trilogy", "Harry Potter" all were birthed from the printed page. Creative people were able to read those books and translate them into visual masterpieces. I want to suggest to you that you should first read the book and then follow up with the movie. I find so often that my interpretation is a far cry from that of a Hollywood director. Sometimes I even get disappointed or frustrated when I find out that they left out an important element or truth from the original manuscript. All in all "Oscar" night is an amazing experience and it is fun to vote on who you think will be the winners. I challenge you though, if you have not seen some of the academy award movies yet.....start by reading the book and then you too can say....and the Oscar goes to.....because you will know the true value of your pick. Read on.

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