Thursday, June 7, 2012

Summer adventures

  Every family in the summer experiences that "family road trip."  Here are a few games to help make the trip go along faster and that will add fun and happiness to the never ending question of: "Are we there yet?"

You can turn this:


I will give you some games in the next few days to help you.

Game # 1:

Once Upon a Time

Take turns creating your own tale.  Let the youngest set the stage by making up the first sentence.  Each line can be as long or as short as he wants.  Go clockwise through the car with each person adding a new twist.  For shorter car rides, aim to have the story end just as you arrive at your destination.  Have a passenger use a smart phone to record the fun - you might end up with a new classic!

Game #2:

Beginning to end

Using road signs, licence plates and billboards , have everyone look for letters of the alphabet. Begin with the letter "A".  Once you find it move on to "B" etc.  The first person to get through the alphabet  (in order) wins.  Try and do the same thing with numbers.  Too easy?  Have kids start at "Z" and go backwards.

Have fun with the family and read on.

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