Monday, October 22, 2012

Together is always better.....

Found this great website that is now under construction because they are expanding.  TogetherRead is aimed at reading skills and putting the fun back into reading.  This is my philosophy  of reading too.  This site is for parents and teachers who want strategies to teach their children not only the skill of reading but also the love of reading. When the site is up and running there will be a nominal fee for membership and to participate but for now they offer a free pre-view of what they have to offer.  Check it out.  It sounds right on the money.

Here is what they are all about:

We all know reading is important for a successful future, and we also know kids want to have FUN.  TeachersAndFamilies developed TogetheRead’s monthly themes to pair readinggive you ideas for having fun TOGETHER as you build stronger readers.
We’ve included suggested questions to talk about before, during, and after reading and have given you ideas for free or low-cost family activities for EVERYONE. Even if you have children of different ages, you’ll find books for each child, all on the same theme. If you want to include a grandparent or extended family members, it’s easy for them to participate as well.  We’ve even provided additional links related to the theme, if you want to learn more.
Teachers know that effective readers THINK about certain things before, during, and after reading. We’ve interwoven these “reading strategies” into the TogetheRead questions and activities, so you will be building good reading skills as you talk and have fun together! You don’t have to worry about whether you are “doing it right.” Just read, talk, and enjoy!
Other TogetheRead Themes (coming soon)

Read on and accept help from professionals who are out there willing to share their expertise so your child can be a lifelong, successful reader.

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