Sunday, April 21, 2013

Happy Sunday to you!

I love this poet from Ireland.  He is fun, witty and every poem that I have read, that he has penned, has made me laugh.   His wordplay is exceptional. Great job.  Kids will truly love his style and his quirky messages.  Enjoy!  Read on and read always.

Stephen W. Cahill

I met a scatterpillar 
on a quiet country road. 
He flashed a grin, a cheeky wink 
and turned into a toad! 

He hopped and hopped. I pleaded "Stop!" 
so I could ask him why 
he hadn’t changed himself into 
a pretty butterfly. 

"Because," he said, "I love to hop." 
but when he saw the lake 
he speedily transformed into 
a slippy slidey snake. 

He slithered to the water's edge. 
Again I questioned why 
he hadn’t changed himself into 
a pretty butterfly. 

"Because," he said, "I love to slide." 
Then whooosh! He was a fish. 
He slipped into the water 
where he thrashy splashy splished. 

He swerved with verve. He swimmy swam. 
I hollered to him why 
he hadn’t changed himself into 
a pretty butterfly. 

"Because," he said, "I love to swim." 
And when he reached the shore 
became a nutty squirrel, 
and off he went once more. 

He scurried up the nearest tree 
and still I wondered why 
he hadn’t changed himself into 
a pretty butterfly. 

"Because," he said, "I love to climb." 
He glanced up at the sky.. 
"Aha!", I said, "At last you’ll be 
a pretty butterfly." 

But no, he said, "I feel today 
a butterfly’s too small." 
and grew into a dragon 
that was twenty meters tall! 

Away up high into the sky 
he twirled and swirled and flew 
then swooped back down 
and scooped me up, and that was when I knew: 

When scatterpillars shed their skin, 
whatever one expects, 
adventure isn’t far away. 
Imagine what comes next.. 

©Stephen W. Cahill. All rights reserved.

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