Wednesday, October 30, 2013

It's nearly here....Halloween awaits for its grand entrance

"The things I want to know are in books; my best friend is the man who'll get me a book I ain't read."
                                           ~Abraham Lincoln

Whether you like it or not, agree with it or not, it will be here tomorrow night.  Halloween is on our doorstep and we can choose to invite it in or not.  Where do you stand on this holiday?  Are you all excited with your costume ready, your candy bought and waiting to be given out, and your pumpkins carved with a happy smiles ready to  be lit and placed on your front porch?   Or are you planning to turn out your lights on that frightful night, go out for dinner planning to return after 10:00 to avoid the massive crowds that may swarm your doors and shout Trick or Treat?

Halloween has been around a long time and I know how kids feel about it.   They love dressing up and they most definitely love the piles of candy they gather as they visit family and friends, eyes twinkling with anticipation realizing that all this loot in their bags is theirs to enjoy.  No matter what your choice I wish you a very happy and safe Halloween, for both you and your entire family.  Now on to today's featured book.....

Title:  Henry's Hand
Author/Illustrator:  Ross MacDonald

I want to introduce you to Henry.  He is a giant.  He is a friendly monster and he definitely has issues.  You see Henry keeps losing his body parts.  Yes they keep detaching from his body and he has to keep chasing after them and attaching them back on.  His best friend is his right Hand.  They hang out together and are inseparable.  (no pun intended)  You see Hand runs after those roque body parts, retrieves them, and brings them back to attach to Henry.  Now who wouldn't want a great friend like that?  Hand is loyal, caring and very willing to help his best friend out.   Poor Henry has had his ears, a leg, and even an eyeball pop out and roll under his couch.  That obstinate eyeball would not come out until that's a major problem.  A dilemma arises when Henry starts taking Hand for granted and is way too demanding.  Hand, fed up with being pushed around feels unappreciated and neglected so he decides to run away.

Luckily for him in his new location Hand is at the right place at just the right time.  He saves a wealthy person and gains national attention and notoriety.  He gains everything he could ever want and more....but he dearly misses his best friend.  Henry too is in despair.  He realizes he had mistreated Hand and desperately wants him to return so they can restore their beloved relationship.   Will Hand return?  Will the best friends re-unite and become even closer?

There are many messages that you can glean from this quirky little book:  never misuse a friend and take him for granted, the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence and no matter how much time passes between friends, true friends, can just pick up where they left off and make life even sweeter on their return.

I particularly liked this book because of its originality.  The illustrations are not scary, but subdued in colour and very humorous.  Henry's expressions are priceless.

About the Author/Illustrator:

Ross MacDonald has worked as an egg candler, dishwasher, soda jerk, house painter, street artist, paper maker, and printer, but is probably best known as a magazine illustrator. His work has appeared in The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Newsweek, Time, The New York Times, and many other publications. 
He lives in Connecticut with his wife, two children, four cats, and a large collection of 19th-century type and printing equipment.

                       Book Review Rating:   8  (Fantastic!)

Have a wonderful day everyone!  Leave me a comment . What are you dressing up for on Halloween night?  Any parties you are attending or hosting?  Love to hear from you. It's tomorrow......

Read on and read always.

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