Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Quote of the day:

"Do give books-religious or otherwise
for Christmas.  They're never fattening seldom sinful, and permanently personal."
                  ~Leonora Hershey

Things can get crazy and chaotic around Christmas time and it's fun to stop, gather together and read books as a family.  The perfect antidote to a restless, sleepless night for your child is a good dinner in his tummy, a cozy, warm bath, and then a loving adult tucking him into bed and reading him a story.  With copious treats, presents piled high, twinkling lights everywhere,  bustling crowds, packed shopping malls, special events galore, and lots of  invited company, kids can get out of sorts and over excited during this special time of the year.  Try to keep to a routine as much as possible and be sure to read, morning, noon or night to settle and sedate your child with  the words of the season. Books, poems, family tradition stories will surely bring happiness and joy to your little one as Christmas draws closer.

Here is a cute poem today I want to share with you about making a list....Kenn Nesbitt is a fabulous children's poet.  He writes creative, witty and fun poetry on just about every subject imaginable.  I have chosen this poem for you today and I know you will enjoy it.....share it with your child tonight.

Dear Santa, this Christmas my list is quite small.
In fact, I need practically nothing at all.
My list is so short and so easy to read
because there's just one thing I actually need.

A reindeer for Christmas is all I require;
a reindeer, of course, who's an excellent flier.
I really don't care if it's Dasher or Dancer.
I'm okay with Cupid or Comet or Prancer.

Please don't think I'm greedy; I only want one.
You won't even miss him, and I'll have such fun.
I promise I'll feed him and treat him just right,
and take him out flying around every night.

You see, I'm not selfish. So, for my surprise
this Christmas, please bring me a reindeer that flies.
But if my request is a bit much for you,
I guess that an iPod will just have to do.
--Kenn Nesbitt

I wonder which one Santa will chose to deliver?  Have an awesome day and I will be back with a regular book review tomorrow.  Have a great one.

Read on and read always!

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