Saturday, May 31, 2014

Click on "Storywraps" and open the door wide.......

Quotes just for you today:

May all who come in as guests, 
Leave as friends.

Every person is a new door to a different world

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby, some have entertained Angels unawares.  -Hebrews 13:2

Welcome to my world!  Let's dance in the rain.  - Hamizah Eddie

Logic will get you from A-Z
Imagination will get you everywhere.

Every person has a story.  Welcome to mine.

Welcome  Bem  Croeso  raimh  Widziane  willkommen  grata  welkom  bienvienue  venit  bindo bienvenida  benvido  menyambut  chao......

I just want today to thank the people from all the different parts of the world who have stopped by Storywraps to read my reviews.  I want this blog to be welcoming to all, a learning space and an interactive place where we can share and support each other in our love for reading and especially getting our kids to read. The goal is to not to only have the skill of reading taught to our kids but the love of reading instilled in them so they can become successful lifelong readers.  I cannot imagine living in a world where I am illiterate or forbidden to go to school to learn to read.

I want to thank all the authors, illustrators, publishers, friends and strangers who share their talent and wisdom to make reading a very important priority in everyone's life.  I still am so amazed at the gifted people who are involved in the creation, design and sharing of precious kid's books.  the "book" community is a very special place to belong to.  The people working there, kind, supportive and giving.

 Please feel free to leave comments, share titles of books that I can review that touched your heart, or if you would like to become a guest blogger here on Storywraps I would be delighted to hear from you.  I want to open the blog up to include many different people, books, cultures and ideas....please feel free to contribute. Just a simple comment of wow I really liked that book and will check it out, or the illustrations in that book look amazing is great and uplifting to read.  You are so welcome to do that.

You can contact me by email at :  I truly would love to hear from you.  If you are just happy dropping by and seeing what is up, that is great too.  Thank you for being loyal and supportive to my efforts of getting great, fun, and educational books out to your kids.  Of course you know the pleasure is all mine.  I love what I do and will continue to choose high quality work to present to you.  Have an amazing day and remember to....Read on and read always!!!  

What I am reading right now?

* The Hundred - Year - Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared
                                                            -Jonas Jonasson

* Hold Fast - Blue Balliett

What I am listening to on my iPod?
Mostly music from the 60's and 70's.  Love Paul McCartney's new CD.  I loved the music from that era a lot.

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