Thursday, May 1, 2014

Get off the couch...get moving

Hello everyone.  Welcome to Storywraps today, glad you are here for a visit.  Here is the answer to yesterday's book excerpt:  "Fly Away Home" by Eve Bunting.

Today's quote is:

                     " In the great green room, there was a telephone and a red balloon."

                                                             Author:  Sean Jackson

Take a peek inside:

What's it all about?

This book with it's lovable characters will get you thinking about what is truly important in your life. Spud, a young potato, turned couch potato, does nothing all day but sit on the couch,  flick his remote and watch endless hours of t.v.  He sleeps in late and watches his family engage in fishing expeditions, his brother and sister read, paint and play outside while he just sits like a lump and doesn't move off his couch nest.  Then one day his worst nightmare comes true and his t.v. screen goes completely black.  He is distraught without his techie BFF and does a very daring feat....he steps off of his comfy couch and steps into the unknown world that surrounds him.  Once outside he runs into some tater tots who are playing baseball and they actually ask him to play along with them.  Well he is stunned, first because they invite him to play, and secondly because he has no clue how to play the game. He has never bothered to learn because t.v., sadly has become his life.  Happily they are willing to teach him how to play with no judging.  He hesitantly agrees and after a few weeks finds that exercise, the "real time" comradery and the fresh air are quite pleasant indeed.  After some reflection he acknowledges that he was wasting his time watching so much t.v. and it is much more fun to be outside jumping rope, running around and playing hide and seek with the other taters.   The last line sums it up perfectly:

"So take it from Spud
the couch loving tater
It's more fun to be active
and watch T.V. later."

Very, very good advice indeed Spud.  We all need to heed it no matter what our age.  

About the author:

in Stillwater, OK, The United States



member since
March 2014

About this author

Sean Jackson is a native Oklahoman now living in New York. Growing up in small town America his family always encouraged him to be active and try new things. At an early age his father exposed him to camping, climbing, and skiing turning him into an avid adventurer and endurance athlete. He has competed in races all over the world including the Gobi March in China and Ironman Arizona. His love for adventure prompted him to start his own company, Bonvoy adventure travel, in 2009. Taking what he had learned from his family, Sean wanted to help promote an active lifestyle for young kids prompting the creation of Spud.

Book Review Rating:  8 (Fantastic!)

Read on and read always!  Have a perfect day everyone

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