Friday, June 27, 2014

Kiwaka....educational game and story for you today

Quote of the day: "Anyone who says they only have one life must not know how to read a book."

Today's feature is both a book and a game....both available at the App Store, created by Landka - a mobile app developer.

LANDKA is a mobile app development company focused on high quality products in the field of education and entertainment. The team consists of programmers, designers and engineers who truly believe that there is still much to be done in the art of merging technology and design. This vision determines their approach to every new product and is deeply embedded in the company philosophy.

                                           Ancient Legend:  "Fireflies carry the light from the stars."
      Kiwaka game is a fun, clever game that helps you learn about the star constellations and the myths and legends that surround them.  It is not only highly entertaining but also highly educational.  The adventure begins in Kiwaka (an actual place that does exist) deep in the African jungle.  Strange and exotic creatures exist there that look into the night sky and want to learn its meaning.  Your goal, if you are playing the game, is to catch the fireflies that appear and help the creatures light up the stars so not only are the constellations are visible but their hidden mysteries and ancient myths are uncovered too.  The gamer learns that the night sky is full of magical and exciting stories just waiting to be told.

Kiwaka was developed with the collaboration of the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and other leading scientific organizations to display 120 stunning space images, as well as external links so you can explore the cosmos further.  It also includes several videos to help you locate important starts and constellations in the sky.  It is a game app that was designed for children of all ages. You will love the splendid colours and magical overlay that truly engages you with the fireflies, the loveable animals and of course the mysterious night sky.  

The book app - Kiwaka Story- tells the tale of the characters in the game and follows these friends in their quest to light up the stars and discover amazing stories that surround them.  It is narrated by Diogo Morgado in the English and Portuguese editions - who played the role of Jesus in the epic film "Son of God."

           You can find out more about these amazing apps and their creators if you visit:  ""

Both game and book are available at the app store for a reasonable price.  I would highly recommend them.  

Book review rating:  9 (Close to perfection!)

Read on (and yes play some too) as always!  Have a wonderful day everyone.

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