Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Magic of Maxwell and His Tail - a book review

All about you quotes:

"Don't wish to be normal.  Wish to be yourself. To the hilt. Find out what you're best at, and develop it, and hopscotch your weaknesses.  Wish to be great at whatever you are."   - Lois McMaster Bujold, Labyrinth

"Shine bright, be yourself." - Stephen Richards

"The white light streams down to be broken up by those human prisms into all the colours of the rainbow.  Take your own colour in the pattern and be just that."  Charles R. Brown

""We are each gifted in a unique and  important way.  It is our privilege and our adventure to discover our own special light." - Mary Dunbar

Today's featured book:

Title:  The Magic of Maxwell and His Tail
Author:  Maureen Stolar Kanefield
Illustrator:  Carlos Aón

Let's pull back the curtain and take a peek inside shall we?

So here is my take on this great little book in rhyme....yep,  I'm turning into the Rhyming Reviewer and loving it..... :)

Look, there's Maxwell by his house.
Who's Maxwell? Why he's a little mouse.
What's the problem? What is wrong?
Oh my gosh....his tail's too long!!!

His friends at school all laugh and sneer,
They tease and gawk when Maxwell's near.
Poor Max is feeling so forlorn,
Rejected, sad ... his heart is torn.

Then one day a beam of light
Shines down on Max and sets things right.
His tail is magic, his tail's unique,
Max discovers he's NOT a freak!

Look out Max you tail's a wonder,
Creating magic without a blunder.
Extraordinary Maxwell smart,
His awesome tail's a work of art!

Maxwell's tail is quite a sight,
The things it does brings him delight.
Max's the envy of his school,
His friends now think that Max is cool.

P.S. The colourful illustrations are full of expression and fun.  The message of just being yourself and celebrating your own uniqueness opens up a wonderful dialogue between you and your child.  I highly recommend this book and know kids of all ages will enjoy reading it.  

About the author:

Maureen attributes her inspiration for writing the first Maxwell book to her personal philosophy. She believes that children should be surrounded with opportunities of all kinds at all levels. “They should seek and find what interests them, and most importantly, they must have the confidence to rise above anything that impedes their dreams,” Maureen suggests.
In The Magic of Maxwell and His Tail, Maxwell is that character. He overcomes the difficulty of having a tail that is much too long and discovers he is stronger and better because of it, not in spite of it.
“The book is a metaphor to every child’s life,” Maureen explains. “A child will always have to overcome one or more obstacles in their young years. It is finding the strength, or ‘magic within,’ through positive direction and self-realization that empowers a child to move forward. From there, children will open their minds to erudition at the highest level.”
As a member of SCBWI, Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, Maureen has gained an added respect for the children’s book writing industry. With the publication of her first children’s book, The Magic of Maxwell and His Tail, she brings to the forefront a message that all children should hear. That message is to accept life’s challenges and find the strength, or ‘magic within,’ you to achieve your dreams.
Maureen Kanefield has enjoyed a fulfilling career as an educator, passionately dedicated to teaching children of all ability levels, from special needs to the gifted student. An insatiable learner herself, she has sought ways—inside and outside the box, including integrated curriculum instruction (language arts and social studies) and Gardner’s eight intelligences—for awakening children’s natural curiosity and guiding them to learning successes. The underlying purpose of her children’s books is to encourage young readers to recognize and celebrate their unique gifts.
Maureen lives in Chicago, her base for advocating on behalf of children for enhanced educational experiences. Maureen is an active volunteer and advocate for the Special Kids Network and First Tee Organization.
Contact Maureen 
Read her interview at Smart Books for Smart Kids

Book Review Rating:  8 (Fantastic!)

Read on and read always!  Have a magical day everyone.

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