Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Sixteen - Soul Jumpers - book two

Quote of the day:

Today's featured book:

Title:  The Sixteen - Soul Jumpers
Book Two
Author:  Ali B.

About the book:

This young adult novel is full of the paranormal and thrilling suspense.  Once you enter into the story you find yourself, along with the main character, Iris Brave, trying to figure out who are the courageous heroes and who are the evil villains.  

Iris is a young, brave, skeptical girl whose father Micah is a soul jumper.  What is that you may ask?  A soul jumper is someone who does not die with their bodies but lives on in the bodies of others.  Iris makes the startling discovery that her dad is still alive, living in a teen age boy's body, and that he has been kidnapped by the villainous Council.  He needs her help to rescue him.  She, along with sixteen other soul jumpers, carefully create a plan to do just that.  Iris is about to have her reality turned upside down as she agrees to partake in an adventure that literally will change her life forever.  Along the way as this plan is implemented, she must discern who is on her side and who are her enemies. She is in constant danger and the cruelty and abuse that she suffers by the hands of The Council only makes her more determined to defeat and eradicate them.  

Young adults readers will be enthralled and totally enjoy the fantasy and mystery that the author has woven throughout this novel from the very beginning to the very end.   I, myself, as an adult (I think I am) enjoyed the book a lot.

About the author:

I can't remember a time when I wasn't reading. I love books! My mother was an incredible librarian and she always had a stack of books by her chair. Now I have my own stack. I also have a lengthy library queue, a To Be Read list on Goodreads, and a virtual online shopping cart full of brilliant titles.
I love writing too. I love creating characters. I love giving them lives, adventures, challenges and quirks. For me, writing is about developing characters that are worth knowing, throwing obstacles in their path, and then sitting back and watching them grow. And typing. Lots and lots of typing.

 Book Review Rating:  8 (Fantastic!)

Read on and read always!  Have an amazing day. 

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