Starting a children’s book club can seem like an overwhelming undertaking, but there are a few simple considerations and steps to follow.
- Before you decide to start a book club, make sure that your child wants to participate. If your child is not really interested and willing, the book club may be a disappointment for you both.
- The next decision you will need to make is who will participate in your kids’ book club. Ideally, all children involved in your group will be at a similar reading level, so you may want to target a particular age range for your group, such as second- and third-graders. Remember that younger children or weaker readers can participate in book clubs by having parents read books aloud to them or by listening to books on tape. In addition, you will need to consider whether you would like to have mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, or simply parents and children.
- It is important to consider how many participants are ideal for your book club. Having too few participants may not make for lively enough conversation, while having too many participants may mean that each child does not get enough time to talk. Book clubs of between five and eight children and their parents are optimal.
- You will also need to decide how you will advertise your book club. You may simply want to invite your child’s friends and their parents by sending an invitation via telephone, mail, or e-mail. You can also post a flyer at your local library or children’s book store, or advertise in school newsletters.
- You must also decide on a meeting location. Meetings can be held in participants’ homes on a rotating basis, in a local library, local book stores, or at local coffee shops or restaurants. The size of your group may help you identify the ideal location for your meetings.
- Once you have found some children and parents who are interested in participating in the book club, hold an organizational meeting to orient participants to the club. The organizational meeting is a time for group members to get to know one another, to establish some ground rules for the group, to decide on a meeting schedule, and to decide on the first book the group will read. Ask group members to bring some of their favorite books to the organizational meeting and come prepared to provide a summary of each book.
More on Kids’ Book Clubs:
(source: pbs.org)
Introducing the NYRB Children’s Book Club
A year’s worth of classic books in one gift
We’ve grouped our most popular children’s books into eight collections of six books by age and interest. We will send one book from the collection of your choice every other month for an entire year. And to add even more fun, with the initial volume we’ll also include a cool bookplate stamp.
All of the books in the NYRB Children’s Collection are “forever books”—praised for their beautiful covers and sturdy red-cloth bindings, these books set a new standard for the definition of a classic.
Order now and we’ll send the first book and the bookplate stamp kit in December. The next five books will be sent in February, April, June, August, and October—all with free shipping within the U.S.A.
For Ages 3–7 • Six books by legendary authors and illustrators offer beauty and silliness and sweetness and rebellion, in just the right proportions.
For Ages 3–7 • These fun tales of family, friendship, fantasy (and frustration!) will captivate and engage even the youngest children.
For Ages 5–9 • These page-turners for early readers feature a rip-roaring American folk hero, two irresistible heroines, a wolf, a father, and a little boy who can’t quite keep from interrupting.
For Ages 8–14 • Waifs and solitary dreamers, pranksters and mischief-makers, and girls of deep goodness and compassion solve mysteries and travel in time.
For Ages 8–14 • Whether defending a magical kingdom or prowling the streets of New York City, these feline heroes embody adventure and daring, as does our brave heroine mouse.
For Ages 8–14 • In the pages of these spellbinding tales, readers travel to 18th-century London, England’s North Country, the coast of Ireland, and occupied France.
For Ages 8–14 • Discoveries of a lost sibling, a family treasure, a vanished people, a floating island, and a magic pudding are featured in this mesmerizing collection.
For Ages 8–14 • Not for the faint of heart, these strange, thrilling, mysterious tales of danger are also stories of cunning, valor, high adventure, and love.
I really wanted to highlight this book club for you today. These books are of such quality both in content and in presentation that you will be amazed. I have had the privilege of obtaining and reviewing many of them and they are treasures that generations to come will love to read as the stories and characters are timeless.
Many of them I am just discovering myself as I missed them growing up. I came from a very small town with limited books in the town library so I was not exposed to these great works in children's literature. I am so very grateful that the NYRB Children's Book Club is available. Please go to their website and check out the content and prices of the collections, and if at all possible get them for your children. Christmas is just around the corner and these would be a perfect gift for both you and your child to share together.
There is a year's worth of classic books in one gift. If you order now they will send the first book and the bookplate stamp kit in December. The next five books will be sent in February, April, June, August and in October - all with free shipping within the USA.
Read on and read always! Have a wonderful Saturday and weekend everyone.
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