Lonely Bus Driver
One lonely bus driver all alone and blue
He picked up a passenger and then there were two.
Two people riding, they stopped by a tree
They picked up passenger, and then there were three.
Three people riding, they stopped by a store
They picked up a passenger, and then there were four.
Four people riding, happy and alive,
They picked up a passenger, and then there were five.
Five people riding open swung the door
Four passengers got off the bus,
The driver's alone once more.
Unwrapping ....
Marianne Dubuc has authored and illustrated another winning book. It is suitable for ages 4-8. Enjoy.

Throwing the wrapping to the wind....

Clara is going on an adventure. Her mother is allowing to go on the big bus all by herself for the very first time. She is going to visit her grandma. Her mom packs her snacks and advises her to take her sweater in case she gets cold. She safely escorts Clara onto the bus and once Clara enters what a delight awaits her. The bus is full of strange and interesting creatures that will keep her company and entertained until her journey to grandma's is complete.
As she settles herself and looks around she finds animals dressed in people clothes all busy doing what they love to do: knitting, reading the newspaper, and one even napping. The napper-guy is a sloth (my favourite character by the way) and although he changes positions and seats often, he never wakes up the whole time. Being an avid napper myself I could totally relate.
Clara shares her snack with a small wolf and experiences going through a dark tunnel, which kind of gives her the willies. Why she even witnesses and intercepts a robby which turns the perp away from his crime and on his way. Clara is happy and safe throughout the entire ride. The bus takes her into the countryside and through the forest to her grandmother's house.
The illustrations are done in soft, friendly colours which makes the book both charming and endearing to the reader. The book is designed in such a fashion that it mimics the shape of the bus itself and allows double-page spreads to be created.
I highly recommend this book.
DMarianne Dubuc is a Canadian children’s book author and illustrator, who taps into her wonderful childhood memories for inspiration to create her literary treasures. Little did she know when she got the simple idea to put together two unlikely animal friends – a lion and a bird – her world would be turned upside down. The book, The first published in French (Le lion et l’oiseau) , was published in 2014 in English (Enchanted Lion Books) receiving phenomenal praise by all who read it. It was ranked it #1 Picture Book of the Year 2014 List, and for good reason. The story and artwork are so moving and can bring you to tears. The Lion and the Bird bring forth every positive human emotion and remind us all what is most important in our lives – true friendship, compassion and love. What’s most remarkable about this perfect picture book is that for Marianne, the entire process of writing and illustrating it came to her completely naturally. She makes it all seem so gloriously effortless. This is the next book for you to discover and thoroughly enjoy from this very talented author/illustrator, (The Bus Ride).
© Copyright – Image of Marianne courtesy of the author
Read on and read always!
It's a wrap.
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