Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Plastic Island - a bookwrap

Unwrapping what you don't want to see...

Unwrapping the locations...

Unwrapping today's featured book...

Authored by David Cuellar and Illustrated by Frances Espanõl

Ages - 2-8

Unwrapping the illustrations...

A 2001 study found an average of 334,271 pieces of plastic per square mile in the northern Pacific Ocean. The middle of the Pacific Ocean holds a stationary garbage heap about twice the size of Texas that goes unnoticed. Author David Cuellar is trying to change that.
In his short children’s story, “Plastic Island,” Cuellar stresses the importance of keeping the environment clean. Pollution affects all living beings, from a boy who plays the flute to an eagle that flies in the sky. Cuellar believes that Mother Nature has done her part, so it’s time for mankind to do his.
While on a hiking trip in Middletown, California, Cuellar first learned of garbage patches in the ocean from a fellow hiker.
“My first reaction was disbelief,” Cuellar said, “But after researching it, I realized the truth. I saw the vortex in the ocean as the Earth doing its part to gather up our mess.”
Everyone can contribute to the beautification of the earth. Kids, teens, adults, CEO’s and even members of the United Nations have a part. 
Cueller hopes to spread awareness of the garbage patches in the ocean and to help raise more environmentally conscious kids.


"Today's problems cannot be solved if we still think the way we thought when we created them. " -Albert Eintstein

This heartwarming, educational tale is the story of flute boy,  a little boy who loves playing his flute above all else. He can walk all day long making his beautiful music that captivates the wild creatures all around him.  Then one day his mind becomes still and he feels the Earth with his heart in that stillness.  He is motivated by his deep love for Mother Earth and that love takes him on a journey that changes his world.  

Along the way he meets a brave little girl named Free Spirit who loves to sing above all else.  Together they feel the earth call them into a boat and head out to sea, and then they are called out even deeper.  To their repulsion they discover a horrific scene, one so disturbing that they know in their hearts they have to try to do something to change it.  They join forces to heighten awareness of this frightful problem with others in authority around them who have the power to make this impending tragedy disappear.  

The book inspires both young and old to be good stewards of their world, ensuring the future will be a much better and safer place in which to live.  It also encourages us to teach our children to slow down and feel their presence here on earth and to teach them that no matter how small they are (or big) they can make a difference.

The illustrations are simple, kid-friendly and they enrich the message of the book: that love is the the greatest force on planet earth and with it as a catalyst, great things can be accomplished for the good of all mankind.

David Cuellar is a Financial Advisor and Certified Financial Planner in San Mateo County, Cal. Committed to financial education, Cuellar has taught thousands of classes at the College of San Mateo, CAÑADA College and De Anza College. Cuellar is involved in his community as a volunteer for CORA, an organization designated to end domestic violence, and attends many local theater, musical and arts events. Sometimes you might even find him playing his Native American flute in a local community park. 

 Read on and read always!

It's a wrap.

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