Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Girl Nobody Wants - an adult bookwrap

For every child who cries at night 
Alone with shame and pain and fright
For every child who wants so much
To only feel a gentle touch
For the beaten child, who cries in pain
Whose tears run silent, like the rain
For the child used to satisfy lust
Who never learns to love or trust
For the child taken from her home
And made to feel so all alone
For the child whose home is just a shell
Where life becomes a living hell
For the child who smiles but cannot feel
Because of scars too deep to heal
For every child who yearns for love
I hope and pray to God above
To hear your cries and heal your pain
And give you back your life again
With love, to all the children
Kathy Williams 


The Girl Nobody Wants
Authored by Lily O'Brien

A Shocking Story OF Child Abuse In Ireland

This is the kind of book that you do not ever want to review because this kind of abuse should never take place and a book about it should never have to be written.  This book is not for the faint hearted.  The story of Lily's life is heartbreaking and disturbing long after you read the last page, and although it is hard to read,  how much harder it must have been to have lived.  

Lily and her siblings are caught in the worst abuse from family, friends, and the most evil, abuse from the church, when the kids are placed in a convent in Ireland and daily abused by the staff there.  Why would sweet children be subjected to such 'terrorism'... and 'torture' you keep asking yourself as turn page and after page, and especially from the church of all places?  Isn't the church God's house and He a loving father?  Young, beautiful, innocent little kids who only seek love, to be cared for and tenderly nurtured, are trapped in the clutches of evil with no way to escape.  

I have no answers to those questions... I only know it happened and they did.  I only know finally, when they came of age, they were allowed to leave and step away from their nightmare...but their horrific  physical and mental experiences remained a re-occuring nightmare, night after night long after they had left the convent. 

It's hard to highly recommend a book with such content but I am going to do that.  Lily needs to tell her story so others like her know they are not alone, that these criminal acts by adults in her life need to be held accountable and others (very fortunate others who have a loving, caring family unit) will become aware and reach out to these lost souls and accept them and love them in their adulthood.  We all need love...to grow, to survive and to pass on to the next generation. It should be every child's right to have the gift of love from those around them.

I was fortunate enough to meet up with Lily on Twitter and praise her bravery for writing her book.  She is not healed by any stretch of the imagination...who could be after being wounded so deeply by rejection and such physical and emotional pain at such a young age.  She has her own family now but she is still tormented by her despicable past and wishes daily, hourly and sometimes every minute, for healing and wholeness so she can be a good mother to her own kids and live a normal life.  

I hope you get a copy of her book so she can tell her story to you herself, in her own words. You will never be the same and I know you will hug your own kids a little closer as her story unfolds.  I hope getting her message out will bring healing to her and awareness to us, so we can do what we can to stop others from being abused and be a healing balm in their lives.   

Every child is a precious gift from God and should be treated with dignity and respect and above all...love....every single one.

I could not find a picture or bio of Lily because I think she wants to stay in the shadows... you see her book is not about her (although it truly is) but about her message she wishes to impart.  I wish Lily health, healing and peace as she goes forward in her life.  Thank you Lily for writing your book.  It took strength, courage and an indomitable spirit to do so and I for one am very glad you did. Bless you.

Read on and read always!  

It's a wrap.

Contact me at:  Storywrapsblog@gmail.com

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