Monday, May 4, 2015

That's What You Think! - a bookwrap!

Unwrapping ...


That's What You Think!
A Mind-Boggling Guide To The Brain

By Jan Von Holleben, Michael Madedja and Katja Naie

Ready to get your mind blown?  Here it comes...get ready...

The most important organ in our body that controls our thoughts, our movements, and our feelings is which one?  Can you guess?  Yes, it's our magnificent brain!  This fantastic book answers 80 questions by kids about this astounding personal computer that we house right inside our craniums.  

They collected hundreds of questions from kids between the ages of 8 and 10 years and then two super scientists from the Hertie Institute for Neuroscience helped the author and 30 kids answer a huge selection of them.  They enable you to  explore how your brain develops, what they are made of, and how they work.  They reveal astounding facts not only about the human brain, but also about the gray matter of earthworms, ants, and sperm whales.  How exciting and fun!

Together with the amazing (and quirky) photos, this book is a true winner.  It looks like a textbook, but once inside its covers, it is anything but.  Kids (and adults too) will love reading this book and finding out how mind-boggling our brains can be.  Our brain never rests, something is always going on in there ... so welcome to the non-stop brain party that's going on inside your head! 

Unwrapping the author...

“I once ruled the worlds. Not just one, but many. I ruled them with mirrors and lenses. I ruled them with light and shadow and time. Sometimes I ruled with a trick of the eye. Through my camera, an entire cosmos took shape, and each world within it seemed to operate by a certain unfamiliar logic, like a sort of magical clockwork.”
Born in 1977 and brought up in the southern German countryside, Jan von Holleben lived most of his youth in an alternative commune and identifies a strong connection between the development of his photographic work and the influence of his parents, a cinematographer and child therapist. At the age of 13, he followed his father’s photographic career by picking up a camera and experimenting with all sorts of „magical tricks“, developing his photographic imagination and skills with friends and family and later honing his technique in commercial settings. After pursuing studies in teaching children with disabilities at the Pädagogische Hochschule in Freiburg, he moved to London, earned a degree in the Theory and History of Photography at Surrey Institute of Art and Design, and became submerged within the London photographic scene, where he worked as picture editor, art director and photographic director. He quickly set up two photographic collectives, Young Photographers United and photodebut, followed more recently by the Photographer’s Office. His body of photographic work focusing on the ‘homo ludens’ – the man who learns through play, is itself built from a playful integration of pedagogical theory with his own personal experiences of play and memories of childhood.
Jan von Holleben’s work has been exhibited internationally and published widely throughout the world.
His favourite collaborators are: his friends and any pirates, fairies, dragons, monsters and punks that are about.
Otherwise he greatly fancies loads of cups of fresh herbal tea, Bircher Müsli, colourful socks, his bike, long swims and walking in the mountains, Yo yo yo!


Born 1977 in Germany.
Grew up in the Southern German countryside.
Lives and works in Berlin and anywhere else in the universe.


GOLD:Lead Awards, Science Book of the Year, Florence Biennale Award for Photography, PX3 Photography Award, Best CP Award, Art for Aid Award, Young Portfolio Award, Magenta Award, Audi / Next Level Photographic Award, Unicum Award, Backlight Award
others:Lead Awards, The Observer Hodge Photographic Award, Hyeres Festivale de la Photographie, Lens Culture Award , Aesthetica Award, Idn + graniph Universe Award, Photographery Masters Cup, PHE07 Best Photography Books, Cedefop Award, International Photography Award, Festimage, Photoreview Award, London Photographic Award, FotoSalon Award, SONY world photography (shortlisted)

Read on and read always!

It's a wrap.

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