Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Ten Commandments Still :The Best Moral Code - an adult bookwrap


   In this day and age many believe the Ten Commandments to be outdated, irrelevant and many do not even know they exist.  Lots of people, if they have heard of them in Sunday School or church, cannot even name them, much less decipher their meaning or figure out how they can be applied to their modern day lifestyle.  

    In his book "The Ten Commandments: Still the Best Moral Code," Dennis Prager explains just how important these ten commandments are to today's world.  They are just as significant as when God gave them to Moses almost 3,000 years ago on Mt. Sinai to present to the Israelites.  He proclaims that these commandments are the foundation stones of all Western Civilization.  Prager states, "If you want to improve your life and make a better world, here is the blueprint."

   Our modern-day culture is obsessed with success, accumulation of wealth, higher education, honour, and beauty.  If the Ten Commandments were taught to our children and practised all through adulthood what a different world we would live in.  

"In "The Ten Commandments," readers will learn:

* Why the Third Commandment is the most misinterpreted commandment and why breaking it is unforgiveable.

* Why the First Commandment is the most important, and foundational to all the rest.  

*Why the Ten Commandments aren't just for the religious community.

*Why the Fifth Commandment is essential for both the family structure and also the future success of the children.

*Why keeping the Fourth Commandment, honour the Sabbath day, is still very important today."

Each chapter is dedicated to one commandment followed by discussion questions that just beg for discussion.  Prager uses simple, succinct language that is full of wisdom.  

    This inspiring and enlightening book and the corresponding Regency Kid's edition-

are guides to help readers of all faiths (or no faith) understand the principles of the commandments and learn how imperative they are to  living a better life and our all round well-being.  

Unwrapping a few excerpts from the book...

The importance of Honouring Parents

"Many of the best-educated parents do not believe that their children need to show them honour, since 'honouring' implies an authority figure, and that is a status many modern parents reject...Children need to honour their parents.  A father and a mother who are not honoured are essentially adult peers of their children.  They are not parents.  No generation knows better than ours the terrible consequences of growing up without a father." 
(pp 37-8)

Truth is vital

"In order for an action to be prohibited or demanded in the Ten Commandments it has to be fundamental to making civilization...The Ten Commandments contain no commandment to ride your donkey responsibility.  A society can survive bad donkey drivers.  But it cannot survive contempt for truth - whether inside or outside a courtroom."  (p.74)

The Slippery Slope of Coveting

"Coveting, or wanting to the point of seeking to take away and own something that belongs to another person, so often leads to evil.  Coveting is what leads to violating the preceding four commandments - the ones against murder, adultery, stealing, and perjury. (p.85-6)

About the author...

     Dennis Prager is one of America's most respected radio talk show hosts. He has been broadcasting on radio in Los Angeles since 1982.  His popular show became nationally syndicated in 1999 and airs live, Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to Noon (Pacific Time) from his home station, KRLA. Widely sought after by television shows for his opinions, he appeared on Fox and Friends, Red Eye, Hardball, Hannity, CBS Evening News, The Today Show, and many others.

   In 2011, Dennis co-founded Prager University, an institution of higher learning on the Internet with a unique difference - all the course are five minutes long.  The courses distill the best ideas of the best minds in the world and over the disciplines of Political Science, History, Philosophy, Religion, Economics, and Psychology.  Prager currently resides in Los Angeles, California.  

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It's a wrap.

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