Who knew that bugs could be so fascinating and so beautiful...
I love teeny tiny ants
and itchy bitsy fleas,
spiders, big and little,
and grouchy grumble bees,
butterflies that flutter by
and beetles when they run
from marching caterpillars.
I think bugs are fun.
Skeeters like to bite me,
but lightning bugs, they donβt,
and flies that get inside the house
could bite, but they wonβt.
Silly racing centipedes
and slow and slimy slugs
are my very special favorites.
Photography by Ann Cutting
Design and Alliteration by Valerie Gates
Ages 3-5 (PS-K)
Unwrapping some photos for you...
The photos in this book are truly stunning. Big, bold, colourful, un- cluttered, just perfect for a little one to focus on and see the individual beauty of each one.
Learning the alphabet can be fun and these unusual and flamboyant bugs will accompany your child on her journey of not only learning the alphabet but discovering unique bugs that are found in nature. Large letters are portrayed on the left hand page and are accompanied by Valery Gate's charming alliterative style of silly sentences. The right hand page showcases detailed photos of a bug which is sure to inspire kids, peek their curiosity and want to them to discover other insects in their own world and beyond.
This book is best shared with an adult as a lot of the words are quite difficult to pronounce and understand, such as:
Ailanthus Webworm Moth Artfully alights Amber"
Giant Leaf Insect graces Glaucous glow"
Rhinoceros Beetle relishes regal Rackley"
The back of the book features a Glossary: Did you Know...? and sites very interesting facts on bugs. I am sure that not only your child will learn many interesting truths about bugs but you will too. It is a lovely book to add to your non-fiction collection.
"Boston-based Art Director Valerie Gates teams up again with her friend photographer Ann Cutting to create this second book in the series that introduces some funky bugs on more lesser-known colors. Valerie's favourite bug in the book is the Katydid because it looks like a ball dancer. Ann lives in Pasadena and her favourite bug in the book is the Question Mark Butterfly because it has a question mark on the underside of its wings. "
-The Alphabet of Bugs
Read on and read always!
It's a wrap.
Contact me at storywrapsblog@gmail.com
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