Please "App"ly
At the App Store
Shopping's real fun,
You can access the Apps
While you're on the run!
There are games, there are books
Yes thousands... and more,
A variety offered
At the techie App Store.
Some Apps cost a little,
Some offered for free...
Some tailor-made
Especially for me!
Some Apps they are teachers,
Some Apps let you play,
Some Apps well... just are.....
They will make your day!
Come on, can't decide
Which App you should choose?
Just click on your mouse
And read the reviews!
Apps are so savvy,
Apps are real cool,
Come and check out
My new learning tool.
Want to be smart?
Want to be clever?
Go choose an App
They're better than ever.
Now please don't get mad
I know they're no book,
Head off to the App Store...
And just take a look!
I know how you feel,
Yes, books are the best,
But give Apps a chance,
Put them all to the test.
They'll get your approval,
Your parental award,
They'll have your child reading,
So excited, not bored!
-Marilyn Panton, September 26, 2015.
Kids app for ages 3-6 yrs.
I sure have some good news from the most popular Grandma on the App Store: Fairlady Media released a brand new app for kids called “Grandma’s Preschool”, which includes many fun and educational mini games for young children and preschoolers.
kids app for ages 6-8 years (pupils apps)
App for Children Ages 2-6+ years
Kids App for Ages 3-6 years
Have fun with your kids as you play with words, language and books. Make reading fun no matter if it's a traditional book (still my favourite by far) or from those amazing, animated Apps. No matter what your child reads: comic books, graphic novels, road maps, a cereal box or a roadside sign... your child is reading and please be his/her biggest cheerleader. Reading should be natural (not forced) and part of his world around him. Read, question, discuss and share printed words with your child and you will teach and inspire him to become a successful, lifelong reader just as naturally as he breathes.
Read on and read always!
It's a wrap.
Contact me at
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