Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The 5 Minute Brain Workout for Kids- a bookwrap

Hurray for our brains!  What an amazing organ housed inside our skull.  Just as our bodies need exercise to be strong and healthy so does our brain.  The more we use and challenge it the sharper we think and the better we function.  Today's book, "The Five-Minute Brain Workout for Kids!" will stimulate and motivate your child's brain to want even more input... please!  Introducing and...


Authored by Kim Chamberlain and illusrated by Jon Chamberlain

Unwrapping some content...

About the book...

Let me start out by saying the teacher in me just loved this book.  I, as a teacher, would give my students these amazing brain exercises daily.  What a fun way to get your students' brains awake and charged going off into their day.

Inside the book you will find 365 word puzzles and games that are both challenging and uber-enjoyable.  Kids can learn about their language using acronyms, anagrams, definitions, parts of speech, rhyming words, syllables, word structure, etc. Puzzles abound with Alphabet Teasers, Mini Word Sudoku, Speed Words and Word Store games.  Completing these puzzles will help your child increase his vocabulary, become a better speller, problem solve with ease, and be able to concentrate better.

There are ten levels of puzzles and although you can start anywhere you want it is always good to start at the very beginning and work your way through, as the exercises get more complicated as the book progresses.  There are ten level of puzzles in all and the good news?  (parents listen up) There are answers included at the end of the book.  Hurray!!!  Now you can breathe easier because its all been done for you.  

Kids will learn that language, although sometimes challenging, will result in a love of all kinds of fabulous words.   There are over 400 puzzles included and the graphics being so colourful and playful make the presentation very kid-friendly and inviting to youngsters.  

"Research has shown that training games help improve memory, concentration, problem-solving skills, processing speed, creativity, and reasoning.  Regularly doing series of short, varied tasks will keep your thinking faculties focused and flexible."

This is the second book in the 5 Minute Brain Workout series.  This book will last your child a whole year.  She can challenge herself, just enjoy the puzzle fun, or use as a competition against time or other people.  

"These exercises work in many settings: home, work, schoolrooms, trying and therapy sessions, or as an icebreaker at social gatherings."

I was impressed with the format and highly recommend it. Both parent and child are in for a some brain-stretching and that is a good thing right? 

About the author...

Kim Chamberlain is a writer, international speaker and trainer in presentation and communication skills.

She believes in the concept of kaizen, that continuous improvement and lasting change can happen through taking small, steady, regular steps. To this end she produces Action Based Writing, a range of books that facilitate action. They include personal development activities, speaking practice topics, brain training exercises, word games and puzzles, 5 minute activities, conversation topics. 

With a master's degree in Linguistics, the study of language, she is the winner of an international writing award, a national speaking award, and is the founding president of a chapter of the National Speakers Association. Her first books were published by Random House.
Kim has a love of words, language, spiritual issues, thinking and action, writes two regular newsletters, and produces a daily email speaking service.

She also loves setting up new initiatives and moving to new places. So far she's lived in ten places within five countries on three continents.
Other than this, the two biggest aspects of her life are her wonderful husband and children ... and chocolate. Equally.

Congratulations to the winners of Troy Kent's fabulous book "The Reading Promise"... I will be contacting the winners to get their mailing addresses and sending their books to them soon.  Thank you all for entering.  There were a lot of entries. How fun to give this book particular book away and how fun to receive an amazing book for free!  Everyone wins! Thank you again Troy for your generous donation to Storywraps. Blessings to you.

* Teddy O'Malley

* Donna O'Connoll

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I put hours of work finding the best kid's books to review for you each day.  If you enjoy visiting Storywraps and would like to donate something for my time and effort I would greatly appreciate it.

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Read on and read always!

It's a wrap.

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