Quotes about being lost...
Legs - The tale of a meerkat lost and found
Authored by Sarah J. Dodd
Illustrated by Guisi Capizzi
Unwrapping some illustrations...
Sarah J. Dodd has always had an interest in creative writing. After careers in both science and teaching, Sarah took up writing when she became a full-time mum. Her books include Bedtime and Christmas Stories and Bible Stories for Little Angels.
Legs - The tale of a meerkat lost and found
Authored by Sarah J. Dodd
Illustrated by Guisi Capizzi
Unwrapping some illustrations...
About the book...
This heartwarming tale is told through the eyes of a baby meerkat named Miki. He and his Mama live in a zoo and are well looked after by the friendly, loving Zookeeper.
One day Miki wakes up and finds his Mama is gone. He calls out to her but she is nowhere to be seen. She suddenly appears and coaxes her little meerkat to leave their dark, cozy home and join her outside. He is apprehensive but finally obliges after being assured she will be right there with him and the keeper will look after them.
Miki is mesmerized by the brightness and excitement he encounters on the outside. He is so enthralled by his freedom that he decides to wander off and see even more. He finds an escape route and off he goes into an unforgettable adventure. He discovers that the world is full of .... legs!! Some are pink, some wrinkly, some stripy, spotted and some even furry. Daring to wander even farther he gets lost in a sea of legs that are of different sizes and shapes. Oh my!
Poor Miki. He is totally overwhelmed and lost and his one desire is to just get back home. He once again calls out to his Mama for help but she is nowhere to be seen. Downhearted he plunks himself on an overturned box right in the middle of the mayhem and then looks up to see a familiar pair of legs and a friendly voice he recognizes. Tender hands gently lift him up and a kind, caring face escorts him back to the zoo and best of all back to the loving arms and face he loves best of all! Mama!!!!!!!
About the author...

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It's a wrap.
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