Saturday, March 11, 2017

Adult colouring books - an info wrap

Remember how much you loved your coloring books when you were a kid? When Mom or Dad needed a break, they'd shove a coloring book and Crayola box in your hands, and you were set for a good few hours. I always got a new colouring book and fabulous new pointy Crayola crayons in my Christmas stocking... a perfect gift to use while the turkey was cooking and we were waiting for all the guests to arrive for a family Christmas dinner.  

Who says that once you hit adulthood, your wonderful life of coloring book after book must end?! It doesn't have to. You can still work with the children's books that shaped your youth — or you can upgrade to the fancy adult versions. In fact, coloring the afternoon away is totally good for you because it helps you to unplug, unwind, and focus on one specific task. 

Coloring is not just for the kids anymore. It is not something that just kills some time on a rainy afternoon for the 10 and under set.
It is something that adults around the world are embracing.
It is becoming the latest most popular trend for reducing stress among adults that do not want to rely on medication or other therapies to get their stress under control.
There are many good reasons why you should go get your crayons and start coloring today.

It is no wonder that, coloring for adults app, as well as coloring for adults printables online and offline are so popular these days. Such creative activities are almost like Nirvana for adults’ souls. Even more popular are coloring pages with Mandalas for adults. Mandalas are symmetrical patterns and representations having their origins in India. When an adult colors these repetitive patterns, s/he actually experiences mindfulness and even reaches a meditative state. This has even been proven by several scientific studies. With so many therapeutic benefits of coloring pages for adults, it is time that every adult downloads free coloring pages for adults!

Did you have any idea that the “prescription” of adult coloring stems all the way back to the late and great psychologist Carl Jung? Well it did. He was always ahead of his time. Jung used it thinking it would help his patient’s access their subconscious and new self-knowledge. 

Coloring has a long-term future and is becoming a category within the publishing industry. In fact, 50% more coloring books were sold in 2016 than in 2015. And the number of coloring book publishers increased by 175%  in 2016. {Source: BookScan}  Five of the top ten best sellers on Amazon are adult colouring books.  Who knew?

Here are four good reasons to pick up your crayons and color away...

Reason 1: Stress Buster

Stress is a leading cause of disease around the globe. It is associated with:

• Heart disease
• Stroke
• High blood pressure
• Obesity
• Increase in diabetic symptoms

Coloring reduces stress! Easy solution.

Stress actually is a physical reaction to your thought process. There is a well respected correlation between stress and heart disease. The chemicals that your body produces when you are under stress can actually damage the heart over time. Of course most people know that when you are stressed out your heart will beat faster which also puts undue stress on your heart function.
High blood pressure is another disease that is stress related. Those nasty stress hormones can cause your blood pressure to raise which of course leads to a litany of damages to your body.
Stress and obesity go hand in hand. Cortisol the main stress hormone has actually been proven to pack on the pounds around the mid section. Those that suffer from diabetes may actually have a harder time of managing their diabetes because of stress.

This is another method of practicing mindfulness, which has therapeutic and health benefits. This can help us replace negative thoughts with positive and pleasant ones. Doing therapeutic artwork can help reduce feelings of anxiety and unpleasantness associated with lengthy medical treatments. The focus we place on the project at hand, and on an object can replace negative and unhelpful thoughts from entering our minds. The step of acting and doing vs. observing is a powerful deterrent to focusing on physical or emotional pain.

Reason 2: Feelings of Accomplishment

Let’s face facts we are not all crafty types or artistic types but that does not mean we do not long for the recognition of completing something artsy that looks great. Coloring gives you that sense of accomplishment.  Believe it or not, coloring has intellectual benefits as well. It utilizes areas of the brain that enhance focus and concentration. It also helps with problem solving and organizational skills. This may sound strange, and like perhaps the usefulness is being stretched, but it is all true. Our frontal lobes are responsible for these higher level activities and functions of the brain, and coloring detailed pictures activates all those properties. Think of considering complex color schemes, and using the brain to balance and make the picture aesthetically pleasing. 

Reason 3: You Deserve a Break

It is nice to take a break from life if even for a few minutes and get lost in doing something that is simplistic. Turn off your phone, computer, t.v..... unplug..... and disengage from your busy world. Coloring is simple but the results are grand and it takes you away for a few minutes of escape from the adult responsibilities that all adults have to deal with.

Reason 4: Great Time Filler

How many times have you sat in the car waiting for someone and you can feel your stress level just climbing the ladder to the boiling point.  Or how about the doctor's office or dentist's.  It is an activity that you can do (with your child ) while you wait for your name to be announced.  It is frustrating when you have to wait but if you have your coloring with you, than you can just sit and color to pass the time. 
Coloring is a healthier alternative to allowing your stress level to get out of control because you have to wait. It is a great time filler.
Coloring is the new knitting or crocheting. It is the choice distraction for adults everywhere. It keeps your hands busy and your mind focused on the task at hand AND you get a great picture out of the deal.

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Read on and read always!

It's a wrap.

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