"12-year old Ananya Vinay spelled "marocain" correctly to win the 90th annual Scripps National Spelling Bee."
We've all been there, done that... how is that word spelled and off we go to the dictionary to find the correct spelling. Even the smartest person in the world needs to make that trip to the book to verify the correct placement of those letters. From errors like "covfefe" to home-grown words like "supercalifragilisiticexpialidociious", it's a given that language and spelling it can be a difficult task.
I ran into this article and thought it would be fun to pass on. I am not picking on the USA because every country could be featured I'm sure. This is courtesy of Mahogany Turner-Francis at www.bookstr.com. I think you will find it interesting. I have trouble spelling some of words too.
In honour of Spelling Bee week, Google Trends tweeted out a infographic map detailing the most misspelled words in America by State.
Here Are 50 of the Most Misspelled Words by State
Let's take a closer look:
Alabama - pneumonia
Alaska - schedule
Arizona - tomorrow
Arkansas - chihuahua
California - beautiful
Colorado - tomorrow
Connecticut - supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Delaware - hallelujah
Florida - receipt
Georgia - gray
Hawaii - people
Idaho - quote
Illinois - appreciate
Indiana - hallelujah
Iowa - vacuum
Kansas - diamond
Kentucky - beautiful
Louisiana - giraffe
Maine - pneumonia
Maryland - special
Massachusetts - license
Michigan - pneumonia
Minnesota - beautiful
Mississippi - nanny
Missouri - maintenance
Montana - surprise
Nebraska - suspicious
Nevada - available
New Hampshire -
New Jersey - twelve
New Mexico - banana
New York - beautiful
North Carolina - angel
North Dakota - dilemma
Ohio - beautiful
Oklahoma - patient
Oregon - sense
Pennsylvania - sauerkraut
Rhode Island - liar
South Carolina - chihuahua
South Dakota - college
Tennessee - chaos
Texas - maintenance
Utah - disease
Vermont - diarrhea
Virginia - delicious
Washington - pneumonia
West Virginia - supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Wisconsin - Wisconsin
Wyoming - priority
Honorable mention:
Washington D.C. - ninety (yes, there's a spelling error in the spelling error infographic)
From Me....

Enjoy your weekend everyone! See you back here again on Monday. I am excited every single day to get up and share great kid's books with you. With the response of visitors to Storywraps it seems you enjoy your visits with me too. My numbers are exploding and increasing beyond my wildest expectations. Thank you so much to all my faithful readers who land here and share my enthusiasm for outstanding kid's books I am so privileged to review. I am in awe of the gifted authors and illustrations that are featured here. They are an exceptional group of people and so kind and quick to give me positive feedback and shoutouts via their Social Media contacts. I am humbled and very grateful to you for making Storywraps such a great success. Blessings.
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It's a wrap.
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