Monday, January 15, 2018

Not 'Til Tomorrow Phoebe - a bookwrap

Waiting for...


Not ’Til Tomorrow, Phoebe 

Authored by Julie Zwillich
Illustrated by Denise Holmes

Hardcover – March 15, 2018
Age Range: 3 - 7 years
Grade Level: Preschool - 3

Unwrapping some wonderful illustrations

About the book

Phoebe dislikes the word tomorrow because she wants to do everything today.  The future tense does not work well for her.  She tries to wake Mama up to make her pancakes but finds out from her sleepy Mama that the pancake date was scheduled for tomorrow.  She needs a haircut and it is only available to her ... tomorrow.  Musicians are visiting her school. Can you guess when they are coming?  Yes, right on, tomorrow!  Oh my!  It seems like tomorrow will never come.

Phoebe wants instant gratification. Now please suits her best but alas she must wait until that pesky tomorrow finally arrives.  Frustrated and impatient Phoebe visits her Grandmother later on that day.  Her Grammy senses that something is wrong with Phoebe and cheers her up with her homemade cookies, her loving patience, and most of all,  her wise council.  

She imparts a secret ingredient to Phoebe that will help turn her today into her tomorrow. A good night's sleep is just what the doctor ordered or should I say just what Grammy ordered.  Will Phoebe see the wisdom in Grandmother's advice and give it a go?  

I am sure kids will relate to Phoebe and her desire to bring everything that is happening in her life into her present day... no waiting around.  Kids do find it hard to wait so this book is a wonderful tool to discuss what time and waiting really means and how to be patient until tomorrow becomes a reality.  The illustrations are colourful, full of activity and lots of expression.  This is a wonderful early-learning book to share together.  

Storywraps Rating ... 5 HUGS!!!!!

Introducing the author

Julie Zwillich was raised in Denver, CO, where the mountains are beautiful, and Hershey, PA, where the air smells like chocolate. After studying film at McGill University she immigrated to Canada, where people know how to drive in winter. Phoebe Sounds it Out is her first book. She’s currently working on a second Phoebe book as well as a middle-grade novel.

When she's not writing books, Julie hosts and writes television programs. She’s best known for her shows on Food Network (Summer’s Best), CBC (Surprise! It’s Edible Incredible!), TSN (SWEAT) and TVOKids. She also does animation voices (Beyblade, The Blobs) and long-form commercials (KitchenAid).

Julie lives in Central Oregon with her husband and 9-year-old twins. Follow on twitter @juliezwillich 

About the illustrator

A native of the Detroit area, Denise's passion for illustration goes all the way back to the age of three, when she would draw portraits of her enormous extended family. After earning her BFA at The School of The Art Institute of Chicago, she worked every job from a server to sales associate, freelancing on the side and always dreaming of illustrating children's books. She got her break in 2012, with If I Wrote A Book About You by Stephany Aulenback (published by Simply Read Books). Since then, her projects have included two children's activity books and The Yoga Game Series written by Kathy Beliveau. This coming year she will have three books published; The Yoga Game in the Garden (Fall 2016) Simply Read Books, Where Are The Words?  written by Jodi McKay (December 2016) Albert Whitman & Co. and Phoebe Sounds it Out by Julie Zwillich (April 2017) OwlKids Books. Denise lives in Chicago with her husband and daughter. 

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