Wednesday, February 6, 2019

"Just Like You" - a bookwrap


"Just Like You"
Miki the meerkat makes a friend

Authored by Sarah J. Dodd
Illustrated by Giusi Capizzi

* Age Range:  3+
* Grade Level: PS-2
* Paperback: 32 pages
* Publisher:  Lion Hudson; New edition 
* Pub. Date:  March 23, 2018
* Language: English

Unwrapping some delightful illustrations for you

Unwrapping the book

This is a charming book focusing on a friendship between two very different animals.  Miki, the meerkat, lives in the zoo with his Mama and is waiting impatiently for a new family to arrive hoping that he will finally have someone like himself to play with and befriend.  

When the new residents arrive Miki is very disappointed.  He discovers that his new neighbour couldn't be more different.  She is a very tall, slender giraffe named Raffa.  They introduce themselves   and realize very quickly that they couldn't possibility be friends.  She is ever so tall and he is small, she sleeps standing up while he sleeps curled up inside his burrow, he eats from the ground and she stretches her neck high and nibbles leaves from the treetops, just to name a few dissimilarities.  No, they cannot be friends, as they seem to have nothing in common.  But are their deductions about having a friendship accurate?  

One night during a crackling thunderstorm their decision changes.  Despite their physical differences and life-styles they fearfully cling together and find out that they have more in common than they first realized.  From that scary night together they start looking at their world through each other's eyes and to their utter amazement a wonderful friendship ensues. 

Kids will learn that differences can be a good thing and can actually unite rather than divide.  It's a book about acceptance, friendship, and independent thinking.  Don't judge someone on the outside because on the inside there could be many similaraites.  The illustrations enrich the text and are lovely to behold.  I highly recommend this book and its positive message that will resonate with both the young and old.  

Storywraps Rating - 5 +++ HUGS!!!!!

Meet the author

Sarah J. Dodd has always had an interest in creative writing. After careers in both science and teaching, Sarah took up writing when she became a full-time mum. Her books include Bedtime and Christmas Stories and Bible Stories for Little Angels.

About the illustrator

Giusi Capizzi studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Catania and has completed many illustration courses for children's books. She started drawing tales for her son and enjoyed it so much that she hasn't stopped! Since then, Giusi has worked for a number of publishers illustrating for education books, handbooks and magazines. In her spare time, Giusi loves to cook and sometimes she teaches tourists Sicilian cuisine...obviously, her cookbook is filled with illustrations!

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Read always.
It's a wrap! 

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