Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Sharon, Lois and Bram's "Skinnamarink" - a bookwrap


Sharon, Lois & Bram's

with Randi Hampson
illustrated by Qin Leng

* Age Range:  3-7
* Grade Level:  PS-2
* Hardcover:  40 pages
* Publisher:  Tundra Books
* Pub. Date:  September 3, 2019
* Language: English

“A lighthearted frolic ready for a rousing singalong.” –Kirkus Reviews

Unwrapping some excellent illustrations

 And now ... the Book

This classic kid's song is being reintroduced to a brand-new generation for kids to enjoy.  Sharon, Lois, and Bram, a trio from Toronto, began singing "Skinnamarink" in 1978.  It gained immense popularity through their Canadian TV show, The Elephant ShowSharon's talented daughter, Randi,  added three new verses to the original song.  Today upon its release, it definitely would have gone viral and everyone world-wide would be singing the fun ditty. 

What in the world does Skinnamarink mean?  It's not in the dictionary but after singing the song you will find the meaning is tucked deep in your heart.  To kids it means: friendship, happiness, sharing, community, inclusiveness, and of course the ultimate theme.... love!  This song has been sung at every venue  imaginable: in classrooms, at weddings, along parade routes, and at thousands of concerts, (just to cite and few).  When the actions are added with the words the song resounds a powerful message of adoration and happiness.  It is an energetic positive way to make hearts, and faces, very happy indeed.

Both the young ( by discovering a new song )  and the old ( reliving wonderful memories of the original )  will enjoy the experience of reading or singing such a heartfelt book.  I highly, highly recommend it.  Come on now.... get your Skinnamarink on. 

Storywraps Rating - 5 ++++.... HUGS!!!!!!

About the trio

  SHARON HAMPSON, the late LOIS LILIENSTEIN (d. 2015) and BRAM MORRISON are some of Canada's most famous children's performers, with fans across North America and around the world. The trio, known simply as Sharon, Lois and Bram, formed in Toronto in 1978 and went on to create two top-rated children's television shows, The Elephant Show (CBC/Nickelodeon, 1984-88) and Skinnamarink TV (CBC/TLC, 1997-98), and to release 21 full-length albums (many of which reached gold, platinum, double platinum and triple platinum). They have won countless awards and were appointed to the Order of Canada in 2002. In 1998 they performed at the UN General Assembly and in 1994 they performed at the White House Annual Easter Egg Roll and Hunt. They also performed a run at the renowned Palace Theater on Broadway. Most recently Sharon and Bram were invited to participate in Toronto's 2017 Pride parade -- parade goers were so moved to see them participate that the crowd broke into a spontaneous version of the song along the parade's route.

About the awesome illustrator

Throughout her career, QIN LENG has illustrated picture books, magazines and book covers with publishers around the world. Recent picture books include her author/illustrator debut I Am Small (to be published in fall 2018); Ordinary, Extraordinary Jane Austen by Deborah Hopkinson; and Family Is a Family Is a Family written by Sara O'Leary. Hana Hashimoto, Sixth Violin, written by Chieri Uegaki, was a finalist for the Governor General's Literary Award, and received the APALA Award for best picture book. She lives in Toronto, with her husband and her son.

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Read on...
Read always.
It's a wrap! 


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