Tuesday, September 17, 2019

"Animal Musicians" - an audio bookwrap


"Animal Musicians" 
An Audio Picture Book 

Authored by Pedro  Alcade
Illustrated by Julie Antonio 
* Translated from Spanish by Lucina Fearon

* Ages:  7-9
* Grade Level: 2-3
* Hardcover:  56 pages
* Publisher:  The Secret Mountain; None edition 
* Pub. Date:  September 1, 2019
* Language:  English 


"The author of this intriguing title is a Spanish composer, conductor, and musicologist whose understanding of music and musicianship opens a whole new window into the animal world." —Kirkus Reviews

Unwrapping Some Fun Illustrations 

Unwrapping The Content

This 64 page, hard covered audio book, is very impressive.  Fourteen animal species are highlighted and celebrated by touting their musical prowess.  The author has included: 

* Gibbon                                         * Humpback Whale
* Superb Lyrebird                           * Northern Cardinal 
* Wolf                                             * Cicada
* Nightingale                                  * Atlantic Canary
* St. Andrew's Cross Spider           * Sac-Winged Bat
* Starling                                        * Musician Wren 
* Chinese Torrent Frog                   * Club-Winged Manakin 

Each animal has a colourful four-page spread that includes the animal's characteristics, habits, habitats, and behaviour, along with a link to hear them make their signature sounds in the wild.  The talented author,  Pedro Alcalde is known for his soundtrack work for John Malkovih's "The Dancer." 

"Animal Musicians"  features fun humorous illustrations. Both the text and illustrations invite readers to travel across the globe and discover nature's best musicians. The book was originally published in Spanish and is now available in this new English edition for the very first time.  I highly recommend it.  It is quality. 

Here's a sample of the Northern Cardinal:  

Storywraps Rating - 5+++ HUGS!!!!

Meet the Author

Pedro Alcalde has conducted numerous prestigious orchestras throughout the world—in Madrid, Berlin, Rome, Osaka, and St. Petersburg, among others. 

About The Illustrator

My name is JULIO ANTONIO BLASCO, I am also known as Sr. López, graduated in Fine Arts from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. I have been working as an illustrator and graphic designer for more than 15 years. My work moves between illustration, painting, collage, design and even sculpture made from small objects of waste; A come and go between different fields of creativity to shape images result of mixing of various disciplines: A collage of techniques, materials, proposals and methods.

I like to draw, to create, to dream, the field, the plants, the leaves and the flowers. I like to be at home, my pots, the christmas trees and I love the flashing lights. I like the interesting proposals, 'put the nose' in new proposals and adapt to the needs of the client. I am passionate, committed, fast and very responsible. I have worked for clients such as Edelvives, Anaya, Edebé, Promopress, Grupo Planeta , TV3, Londji, European Institute of Design, Laurence King, Liberalia Chile, Consortium of Museums of Valencia, Ivam, Fundación Bancaja or Fundación Canal among others. I have worked as illustrator for children and adult, in graphic design, exhibition design, audiovisual, advertising, for foundations, museums and wineries among other clients, I have given lectures in congresses, I have given workshops in design schools and in different spaces.

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Read on...
Read always.
It's a wrap! 

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