Wednesday, April 14, 2021

True Colors - a bookwrap



                                             Photo compliments of Anton Sukhinov/Unsplash 

A celebration of colour and imagination!  So fun...


True Colors

by Gonçalo Viana


* Ages:  4-7

* Grade level:  PS-2

* Hardcover:  38 pages

* Publisher:  Princeton Architectural Press

* Pub. Date:  June 15, 2021

* Language:  English

Unwrapping Some Illustrations for You

The Book

Kids will giggle at a white tree and a green cloud!  No way that's not right.  Who is making up these silly pictures?  The book starts with two friends, a dog, and a kite... simple enough... then everything goes crazy as colours get all mixed up around them.  Prominent people in the town try to figure out what's happening and try to fix it but it seems the colours have gone rogue and are having a psychedelic party!  They are able to do amazing tricks and are having great fun.  

The illustrations are retro style and the colour pallet is vibrant and bold. The whole vibe of the book is upbeat sporting its wacky, whimsical artwork.  I highly recommend this book. 


Storywraps Rating - 5 HUGS! 


Meet the Author

Gonçalo Viana lives in his hometown of Lisbon, Portugal, a city famed for its bright lights and custard tarts. Though trained as an architect, Viana works as an illustrator for newspapers and magazines around the globe. Originally published in Portuguese, True Colors earned a 2020 Opera Prima Special Mention at the Bologna International Children's Book Fair.

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Read on...Read Always! 

It's a wrap! 


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