Wednesday, March 2, 2022

" There's an N on Your Nose" - a bookwrap




There's An "N" On Your Nose

Authored by Dennis Canfield

Illustrated by Stella Maris Mongodi


* Reading Age:  1-5 years

* Grade Level:  PS+

* Hardcover/Paperback/eBook: 31 pages

* Publisher:  Well-Spoken Books

* Pub. Date:  April 1, 2022

*  ISBN 13:  9798985275605

* Language:  English

Unwrapping Some Illustrations 

The Book

This is a delightful alphabet/ poetry book that kids will love.  The illustrations are playful, gorgeous and fun. Their large size, precise detailing and excellent varied emotions that the illustrator creates are extremely imaginative and very kid-friendly.  The book uses letters of the alphabet to correlate with parts of the anatomy that begin with that particular letter... A is for arm,  T is for toes, L is for lips, and H is for hair, just to cite a few.  Not only is this an excellent opportunity to learn letters but also one for vocabulary building.    

The rhyming text flows from cover to cover which engages the readers from start to finish.  Kids will go back again and again to re-visit this story and beginning readers will be able to tackle the simple text all on their own.  This book would be a perfect addition to a classroom and library.  The language is playful and the illustrations are whimsical making it a perfect recipe for success.  I highly recommend this book. 

Storywraps Rating - 5 HUGS! 


Meet the Author


Dennis Canfield's interest in writing grew out of his love for the theater, and his complete inability to act, sing, dance, play a musical instrument, or build stuff. This limited skill set left him with two options for participating in theater productions; writing, and passing out playbills. He's done both.

In addition to passing out playbills for numerous community- and high-school theater productions, Dennis has written a stage-musical based on his award-winning novella, "South Pole Santa," and has also optioned the rights to the screenplay based on the same book. He is the author of the highly acclaimed middle-grade adventure fantasy "Ethan and the Key," the intense crime-fiction shorth story, "Hardly Even Rich," and a book of children's poetry, "The Robin and the Sparrow." Dennis and his family live near Chicago, Illinois.

About the Illustrator

I was born in Italy but I live now in Edinburgh.  I earned my degree in Ancient theatre, while studying art and illustration for many years with renowned professionals such as Alessandra Cimatoribus, Anna Castagnoli, Carll Cneut and Stefano Moroni.  Even though I started with oil colors, acrylics and watercolors, my illustrations are now entirely digital, but I think they still have a "traditional media flavour" characterized by a dreamy, feathery and still playful style. 

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It's a wrap! 


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