Friday, April 8, 2022

April is Poetry Month.... infowrap


Guest Post:

Fun and Easy Ways to Get Kids Interested in Poetry

by Melissa Taylor

Melissa Taylor, MA, is a teacher, mama, and writer from Colorado. Her goal in childhood was to read every book in the children's section of the library. She loves (in no particular order) children's books, her Kindle, Pinterest, and knitting rectangles. An education expert, she’s written for many publications, including, USA Today Health, and Scholastic Parent and Child. Connect with Melissa on her learning blog, Imagination Soup, or on Pinterest.

When your kids think of poetry, do their eyes light up with delight? Does poetry captivate them?

Most often, probably not. But we can change that. We can make poetry interesting to kids.

Here are some ideas and activities to help get your kids hooked on poetry:

Make It Easily Accessible

Poetry Anthologies

Find poetry books that will appeal to your child’s interests — dinosaurs, nature, riddles, anything.

Online Poetry Sites

Look at websites such as: The Poem Farm, The Poem Hunter, The Poetry Foundation, My Word Wizard, and my personal favorite, The Favorite Poem Project.

Poetry Bucket

Have poems available for your kids to read. Put them in a small bucket or basket. Then, pick out a poem to read at breakfast or dinnertime.

Poetry Folders

Keep a copy of your child’s favorite poems in a poetry folder or three-ring binder. Keep these on your bookshelves for easy access.

Make It Portable


Since most kids love technology, pair that love with poetry. Download poetry apps so you can read poems on the go. Try Pocket Poetry, iF Poems, and Favourite Poems for Children.

Poem In Your Pocket for Young Poets:100 Poems to Rip Out and Read

Tear out a poem from this clever book. After you read it, carry it with you throughout the day.

Make It Fun

Fridge Poetry

You’ve seen these before, right? Magnetic words you can stick on your refrigerator. These are great for spontaneous poetry writing — and are pretty funny, too.

Illustrate a Poem

Find a poem your child loves, give her art supplies, and see what the poem inspires her to create.

Found Poetry

Use old magazines or anything with written words, to “find” interesting words and phrases. Cut out and re-arrange into a poem.


It often surprises kids that riddles can be poetry. Riddles not only get kids engaged with poems, they also get kids engaged in critical thinking. Try reading riddles with your kids. It’s so much fun. Then, if you’re up for it, create your own riddles.


Your kids will be shocked to learn that music lyrics are poetry. (Some not all that good but nevertheless, poetry.) Print out the lyrics to favorite songs. Sing and enjoy.
Along the same line, set poems to your own music. See if you can sing poems instead of reading them. Many poems naturally have a rhythm. Try to find it. Can you make it a rap?

Favorite Poets

Shel Silverstein and Jack Prelutsky are wild and wacky, kid-hooking poets. But there are many other wonderful poets your children will enjoy including Karla Kuskin, Marilyn Singer, Nikki Giovanni, Paul B. Janeczko, Valerie Worth, Eloise Greenfield, Amy Ludwig VanDerwater, J. Patrick Lewis, and Langston Hughes.

Kids not hooked on poetry yet? Try these Poetry Books for Reluctant Poetry Readers.


Marilyn here, 

It's a happy time in Canada these days as the robins have returned and my crocuses are sprouting up in my front garden. Hurray!  It's feeling more and more like Spring has actually arrived and I am so grateful for that.  I hope you enjoyed your week with me here and are looking forward to returning again on Monday when I once again unwrap some fantastic books to share with your kids.  Its' an honour to be a book ambassador for you and highlight quality books to pursue with your family. Have a great weekend everyone and be sure to incorporate some good reading into your activities.  

"A book is a gift you can open again and again."  - Garrison Keillor

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Take care! 

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