Tuesday, April 26, 2022

" A Starlit Trip to the Library" - a bookwrap



"Sail to the library under the stars in this twinkling sequel to How to Catch a Bear Who Loves to Read"

A Starlit Trip to the Library 

Authored by Andrew Katz and Juliana Léveillé-Trudel

Illustrated by Joseph Sherman


* Reading Age:  3 years +

* Grade Level:  PS-3

* Length:  44 pages

* Publisher:  CrackBoom! Books

* Pub. Date:  Sept. 6, 2022

* ISBN-10: 2898023213

* ISBN-13: 978-2898023217

* Language:  English

Unwrapping Some Illustrations 

The Book

Julia, a smart adorable little girl who loves to read books, is with her animal friends camping out in the forest underneath the stars.  Her friends Scotty, the squirrel, Abigail the groundhog, and Frieda the skunk are all ready for the main event of the evening... storytime by the campfire.  Julia goes to her bag to retrieve the book she chose to share and discovers she forgot to pack it.  Oh my! Whatever shall they do now? 

Luckily Bertrand, a kind bear who also adores books, is sailing his raft and navigating it to his favourite book-scavenging spot... the library!  He kindly offers to have the group join his modest expedition.  They board his raft and follow the nightly stars to their destination.  

The night librarian, Olga,  always leaves a generous selection of books outside behind the library for those who cannot acquire library cards.  A book paradise awaits the motley crew and they dive into the boxes filled to overflowing with excellent books. Finally they secure the perfect book for their bedtime story. Bertrand and his crew board his raft once again and they sail homeward. While afloat Julia opens up the much anticipated book and reads aloud as the friends gather close together to see each picture and drink in the accompanied story.  

This tale will inspire a sense of wonder in its readers. It celebrates courage, friendship and the love of books.  The illustrations are truly gorgeous. They are detailed, colourful and give you a sense that you are right there with the group participating in their exciting book adventure.  I love the story and highly recommend it!  

Storywraps Rating - 5 HUGS! 


Meet the Authors

Andrew Katz teaches Children's Literature and Creative Writing at Dawson College in Montreal, and in 2013 he won his school's Director General's Award for Teaching Excellence. His first picture book, How to Catch a Bear Who Loves to Read, co-written with Juliana Léveillé-Trudel, was nominated for the 2020 Prix Peuplier, an Ontario Library Association Forest of Reading award. He is also the author of I Just Want to Be Super!

Juliana Léveillé-Trudel co-authored with Andrew Katz the first installment of Julia's adventures, How to Catch a Bear Who Loves to read (2018). She is also a novelist (Nirliit, La Peuplade, 2015), a playwright, and a founder of the Productions de Brousse. Her work has been translated into English, Spanish, Icelandic, Danish, and Basque. She splits her time between Montreal and the Quebec countryside of her childhood, surrounded by forests, animals, and books.

Fantastic Illustrator

Joseph Sherman is a Gemini award-winning children's animation series director, with 30 years of experience in the design and production of animated series, motion graphics, and print illustrations.

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Read on...Read Always! 

It's a wrap! 


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