Sunday, June 5, 2022

"Sweet Potato" - a bookwrap



Sweet Potato (a Grumpy the Iguana and Green Parrot Adventure series)

Authored by Susan Marie Chapman

Illustrated by Natalia Loseva

 Book 9 of 9:  A Grumpy the Iguana and Green Parrot Adventure


* Reading age:  3-8 years

* Grade Level:  PS-2

* Hardcover:  46 pages

* Publisher:  Gourmet Dog LLC

* Pub. Date:  March 23, 2022

* ISBN-10:  1736805649

* ISBN-13:  978-1736805640

* Language:  English

Unwrapping Some Illustrations 

The Book

Sweet Potato is an adorable baby screech owl who lives with her family, her parents and two brothers, in the park.  Why is she named Sweet Potato?  All the members of her family love to catch and eat bugs but she loves to eat sweet potatoes and mangoes and refuses to be a bug eater.  She also dislikes the fact that her family is nocturnal.  She  enjoys the day time and does not want to waste it by sleeping.  

One day she escapes her nest while everyone else is sound asleep and goes to visit her favourite uncle, Uncle Grumpy Iguana.  He has a very special place in his heart for this sweet little owlet as he was there the day she hatched and he loves to spend time with her. 

Uncle Grumpy listens to her laments and even though he understands her feelings he encourages her to listen and obey her parents.  He assures her that they have her best interests at heart and they only want to protect and teach her owl ways, after all, she does belong to the owl family.  Will Sweet Potato accept her favourite uncle's advice and put it into practice?  

 Worried Momma Screech Owl soon swoops in for a landing.  She is on a mission to retrieve and bring her baby safely back home.  Finally re-united both come to an understanding of accepting each other's differences and for Sweet Potato the importance of listening and obeying her parents.  

The illustrations are colourful, expressive and kid-friendly.  This is a 
sweet teachable story to share with your little ones.  Recommended by Storywraps. 


Storywraps Rating - 5 HUGS! 


Meet the Author

Susan Marie Chapman grew up on a farm in rural Pennsylvania as the oldest of eight children. She has always had a special connection with animals and children. Today she resides in Miami Beach, Florida, with her two furry babies, Sugar and Cookie.

Susan is the author of nine books in the the Grumpy the Iguana and Green Parrot Adventure series: Grumpy the Iguana, Mr Squirrel Finds a Treasure, Two if by Sea, Grumpy Goes Home for the Holidays, The Wish Box, and Babies on Board (part 1), and more. Susan is also the author of two books about her Pomeranians, Love Sugar & Cookie, and The Day Cookie was Lost.

For more information visit Susan's website:

About the Illustrator

Freelance illustrator, water-colour lover and Procreate addict.  Has done dozen international projects for small and large businesses. 

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It's a wrap! 


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