Thursday, May 21, 2009

I am back

Just came back from a 50th high school reunion. What a wonderful time to see old friends (I a mean old now), teachers/principals and family. As we shared our stories of yesteryear I was reminded that inside each one of us is the story of our life. Every person that I met up with had their own personal story and journey in life. We added another wrap of school stories and dramas that we were involved in and that deepened our relationship to each other. Stories are part of our history and we are part of something bigger than ourselves. We posed for lots of pictures and laughed hysterically and stayed up unusually late. I even started a blog just for my high school friends to sew into. With photos, snipits of info about their lives, poetry segments and yes, someone is actually writing teir first kids book. This should be a wonderful way to keep connected as our adventures in life continue. Our yearbook for 2009 was updated. Shocking to find out how many will not present in that new edition - gone on to another place-but out highschool legacy goes on....our stories will go on...and we remain the main characters in that storybook of life.

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