Wednesday, April 8, 2020

"Raj's Rule" (For the Bathroom at School) - a bookwrap


Raj's Rule: For the Bathroom at School 

Authored by Lana Button
Illustrated by Hatem Aly

* Ages:  3-7
* Grade Level:  PS-2
* Hardcover:  32 pages
* Publisher:  Owlkids
* Pub. Date: August 18, 2020
* Language:  English

Unwrapping Some Great Illustrations for You to Enjoy

The Book

Poor Raj.  Every day he goes to school and as the day progresses he gets very uncomfortable. Why?  Raj refuses to use the school bathroom and waits until he gets home to relieve himself.  He has created a list of no-bathroom tips to help himself along: don't drink your juice box or drink from the fountain, be quick at washing your hands at the sink, keep away from water play, and definitely stay away from Kyle. Why?  Kyle is very funny and if he gets you laughing... well you know what might happen... and that wouldn't be funny. 

One day after a giant sneeze Raj breaks his rule.  He has no choice as the alternative would be very embarrassing.  Raj heads for the school bathroom to go and guess what?  Can you guess how he feels afterwards? Ahhhhhhh! 

He discovers he has more time to wash his hands, take a sip out of the fountain,  drink his juice box and play with his friends, even comedic Kyle.  Who knew?  He felt confident and proud that he was brave enough to face his fears and win on so many levels.  

The illustrations are fantastic.  They are detailed, bright, and so kid-friendly and relatable.  This fun rhyming book is told in speech bubbles and shows a diverse group of kids, a feature that I really liked.  I highly recommend this book. 

Storywraps Rating -  5 +++ HUGS!

Meet the Author

LANA BUTTON has a background in early childhood education and is the author of several picture books. Lana's books are often used to help children overcome anxiety and boost self-esteem. She and her husband live in Burlington, Ontario and have three grown daughters, a doting dog and a spoiled cat.

About the Illustrator

HATEM ALY is an Egyptian-born artist whose work ranges from editorial illustration to comics, graphic novels, and children's books. Hatem lives in Bathurst, New Brunswick, with his wife, son, a houseful of pets, and one super friendly toilet.

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Read always.
It's a wrap! 

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