Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The most wonderful time of the year....

 What is missing from this word tree?  The most important word of all.... JESUS!  As a Christian I know that is what this holiday is all about.  Baby Jesus was born into this world and we celebrate his birthday on Christmas!

  It truly is a busy time of year and you must incorporate creative ideas and methods to keep your kids reading.

  One great thing to do is find a jar that you can decorate with stickers, ribbons and bows.  Sit down with your kids and brain storm Christmas words.  Record on little strips of paper  those Christmas words that your children give to you.  You can use colourful green and red markers to do the recording and then fold the words up and plop them into the jar.

Give the word jar a place of honour on your kitchen table.  Each night after dinner together have your children reach in and pull out some of those words.  See if they can read the word they chose...if they cannot...tell just them what the word is.  Once the word is identified they can go and put it on the fridge.  You can actually make a list of Christmas words there and they can go over these words and read them out loud to you or guests that come over for a visit.

Make this word exchange exciting and fun.  There are many, many ways to expose your children to new words and stories throughout this season that are not stressful to either them or you.  The main object is to relax and have fun together!  Remember,  tis' the season to be jolly..fa la la la la la la la la!

Read on and read everywhere!

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