Monday, December 10, 2012

What to do with reading over the busy holidays - read on

Find Picture Books on YouTube

I am fortunate to have older kids and a passion to delve into new books, haunt bookstores (both online and off) and gather wonderful books to recommend.   But what about younger mums? Do they have much time to skim book reviews or browse book stores, searching for the latest and greatest books for their kids? 

Here's a suggestion: use YouTube to entice your youngsters towards more wonderful picture books. You can find book trailers that give a sneak peek of the book's contents, but also there are whole picture book stories on YouTube. It's a great way to get an idea of whether or not a book will appeal. When your kids' birthdays come up, I just know picture books will be on your shopping list, so why not check out these video clips before you buy. 

Some picture books I've found on YouTube

Duck Rabbit 

Little Oink

Just a Snowman (read by author, Mercer Meyer)

Excerpt from the animated video of The Snowman (based on picture book The Snowman by Raymond Briggs)(Do you remember Aled Jones singing Walking in the Air? beautiful!)

Guess How Much I Love You - read aloud on CBeebies

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? (read by author, Bill Martin)

Rosie's Walk 

Harry the Dirty Dog

The Velveteen Rabbit -beautifully told by Meryl Streep

Click Clack Moo

How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight?

Hello Baby - read by author, Mem Fox

Llama Llama Holiday Drama - read by author, Anna Dewdney

Owl Babies

Pete the Cat (includes the song!)

Noni the Pony

Video adaptation of Where the Wild Things Are

Trailer for My Heart is Like a Zoo

Trailer for Flotsam

Trailer for It's a Book 

Trailer for The Last Viking

Bonus: Is this the future of picture books? (found this ages ago via Jeanne of A Peaceful Day)

So many wonderful picture books; so much compulsion to read or own them all! You might also like to read my post, Use YouTube to Encourage Reading

Original image Wikimedia Commons

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