Thursday, January 23, 2014

My best friend has cancer.....

Quote of the Day:  "Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life."
                                          ~Mark Twain

Sasha, our tom-boy, rough and tough girl is back to show us her beautiful, compassionate and loving heart.  Her best friend Coco has been diagnosed with cancer and poor Sasha, flooded with tears, asks the big question in life...."Why God?"  Her big sister Bella tries to comfort her with hugs, offers to go out and play with her, and promises that she will pray for her friend Coco to get well.  Sasha's  mom steps in and supports her in allowing her to get her hair cut just like her best friend's and offers to drive and accompany her to visit Coco at the hospital.  Sasha buys two identical, bright-coloured scarves, one for her friend to wear, and one for herself, (they look just like twins).  Her hospital visit cheers both the girls up immensely as they laugh and play and enjoy each other's company a great deal (almost like old times).  Sasha has to leave her friend in the hospital which saddens her greatly and in her quiet times back home she still questions God's motives as to why He lets children get sick and die.  She dances with the moon and continues to believe that miracles can happen.  In her undisturbed stillness she senses God's presence all around her and she is assured that God is there with her just as He is with Coco back at the hospital, and that gives Sasha great hope that all will be well and God is aware of what is happening.

The message is gentle but strong.  The questions are age-old ones and being asked by a sensitive child who wants answers.  This book can be a remarkable gateway to open up dialogue on this subject between you and your child.  It is an opportunity for you both to discuss the possibility of a child being taken early, what happens to them through this process and if there really is a God who cares and intervenes on such terrible scenarios in life.  The illustrations match the text beautifully and  they draw you deeper into the narrative.  Each page is emotionally charged and your heart reaches out to each character wanting to advise them to keep looking up and to never, ever give up the good fight.    I recommend this book highly.

About the author:

MARIA PSANIS is a Clinical Psychotherapist in private practice in Simsbury, Connecticut. She has authored eleven collections of poetry books and one novel.

About the illustrator:

Demetra Bakogiorgas is the illustrator of Sasha's series. She has illustrated six other books and her art work has appeared at Freight Street Gallery in Waterbury, Connecticut.  She was a finalist for the Eric Hoffer Book Award-The da Vinci Eye.

                     Book review rating:   8  (Fantastic!)

Read on and read always my friends! 

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