Friday, January 24, 2014

The 'tash rules......

Quote of the Day:
"A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end.  You live several lives while reading."
                                              - William Styron

In the know about 'tashes'.......

* there are many nicknames for a moustache -  lip shadow, manometer, mouthbrow, Moz, Mr. Tickles, Tea Strainer, Upper Lipholstery, Whiskers, Wing, Bristle batons, Bro-stache, Cookie Duster, Crumb catcher, and Face-lace

* Practically magnetic- the average man with a "mo" touches it 760 times a day

* The Bigger the 'Stache the Higher the Pay as it is a symbol of virility and power

* average human hair grows at a rate of 0.014 inches a day, or 5-6 inches a year

* some 'staches are more likeable than others

* moustaches are capable of absorbing 20% of its own weight in liquid

* they are seasonal -it sprouts more in the spring and summer

* 90% of men shave once a day.  Shaving uses up a total of five months of a man's life if he starts at age l4

* average human male has about 5,000,000 follicles, 3x as many as a gorilla, but less than a chimp

* Salvador Dali, the Spanish artist, loved his moustache, claiming that it was "like two erect sentries, my moustache defends the entrance to my real self"

Title:  Mo's Mustache
Author and illustrator:  Ben Clanton
Ages:  3-7

This darling little book deals with the themes of individuality and peer-pressure.  Mo is a monster with a big nose, double horns and a spiky tale.  He sends away for a very trendy moustache and sports it around his friends.  Oh my, he does look handsome and dapper and sophisticated and unique....but wait when he finally stops and looks around he finds all his friends are wearing a moustache too....just like his!!! Well Mo is not happy or amused so he ditches the 'tash and gets a scarf to make him a trendsetter and not be like everyone else.  Guess what happens?   Mo approaches his friends and demands to know why they are copying him and want to steal his thunder in the fashion world.  He discovers that they love his style, in fact they love it so much they want to look just like him.  He is their fashion hero, their guru.  Mo then feeling very flattered by his fan base goes ahead and stages a fashion show with his friends.  Clanton did such an excellent job with the watercolour and ink illustrations.  They are funny and charged with emotion making this book a great read aloud.

The book is perfect to open up a dialogue on being yourself and discussing your feelings when others take your creative side and copy it.  Mo discovers that imitation is often the best form of flattery and goes all out basking in his awesomeness and passing it on willingly to his peers.

About the author/illustrator:


I'm Ben.  I'm a story-scribbler, picture-squiggler, book aficionado, child advocate, dragon tamer (someday), and avid sock wearer (especially of the striped variety).  I have spent most of my time on this planet reading, drawing, sleeping, gardening and eating chocolate.  I live next to a pond in an old brick mill with my wife, Kelsey (a photographer and designer!), and a wild goldendoodle named Gigi.

Ben Clanton

Represented by: 
My Books:
REX WRECKS IT - fall 2014
Jasper John Dooley: Not in Love - spring 2014
MO'S MUSTACHE - fall 2013
The Table Sets Itself - fall 2013
Jasper John Dooley: Left Behind  -  spring 2013
Max Has a Fish  -  fall 2012
Vote for Me!  -  spring 2012
Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators:

                          Book review rating:   8  (Fantastic!)

Read on and read always!  Have an awesome day everyone!

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