Saturday, October 11, 2014

It doesn't get better than this - FREE!

Quote of the day:

"The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away from it!"    - James Bryce

Every child should be read to.  Every child should own his/her own books and be excited about what those books contain.  Every child needs to be encouraged and inspired to read solo and to read often.  Every child needs models of those around them that love to read and love to share with them the contentment and happiness that a good book can provide for their soul.   Yes, we are the only species on planet earth that has the capability to decipher the written word.  Let's make it a priority to do so....both for ourselves and for our beloved children.  

I have compiled a list of websites that will help you out with that noble mission. The very best Saturday morning news that I can offer you is that these online kids' sites, full of stories, games and activities, are absolutely free!  Be sure to check them out and enjoy ..... happy reading!

Here are some to get you started and there are oodles more if you just Google - Free kid's stories online!

1.  - this is not a fancy site, no illustrations but perfect to be read aloud by an adult to a child or a child that is at the stage where they can read alone.  



4. - This site won the Children's Storybook Award because they have special appeal due to story creativity, specialized content,  educational info, fun activities, or are just downright charming.

5.  www.children'


7. -These books you can read online, print out or download.




11. www. free

    Read on and read always.  Have a beautiful weekend everyone.  

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