Friday, October 10, 2014

Madison and the New Neighbours - a book review

Quote of the day:

     "To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting." 
                                                -Edmund Burke

Today's featured book:

Title:  Madison and the New Neighbours
Author:  Vanita Braver
Illustrator:  Jonathan Brown

Let's take a peek inside shall we?

About the book:  

This book is a wonderful one to share at home or in a classroom setting.  Madison has been challenged by her school to take part in a fundraiser of selling candy and she and her mom decide to canvas the neighbourhood to see if anyone is interested in purchasing some from her.  If she sells enough she will qualify for a T-shirt and she is very excited about the mission.  Together she and her mom start knocking on doors and pitching the cause.  Then they come to the Patel house and Madison's mood of glee turns into one of flee.  She is adamant about not knocking on their door because the new girl at school lives there and all the kids make fun of her because of her accent, won't sit with her on the bus, and think she is weird.  Her mother tries to explain to Madison about being new.  She tells her that not only is the little girl new at her school but also in new to the country. She  informs her how that little girl must be feeling when everyone shuns her and will not be her friend.  Madison will have none of it and she runs off home.  

After much reflection about the wise words of her mother Madison changes her mind and she and her mom go visit the Patel home where a very pleasant surprise awaits her.  Not only does she acquire a sale of candy but she also gets a very important life lesson .... never go along with the crowd and what they are saying and feeling.  By being brave and stepping out on her own she discovers the virtues of acceptance and respect towards others who are different.  The golden rule certainly applies in this story, "Do onto others, as you would have them do onto you."  In doing so, Madison finds a very good friend right in her neighbourhood. Wonder if she ever got the T-shirt?  No matter, she did get a wonderful friend who fits her to  a "T" and that is much better for sure.

The illustrations are expressive and engaging.  They accentuate the text and visually bring it to life.  It is a great story with a moral that everyone,  both young and old alike, can apply in their lives.

About the author:

Vanita Braver, M.D., renowned Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist, speaker and best-selling author presents another book, Madison and the New Neighbors in the Teach Your Children Well series.

Book Review Rating:  8 (Fantastic!)

Read on and read always!  

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