Have you ever struggled with the question, "Is is ok for me to stop reading a book even though I haven't finished it?" "Close cover, put down and ... delete.... gone!"
A lot of people stuggle with this concept because they have been taught that every book you pick up to read should be read to its completion. What are your feelings on this? What do you do? As for me? I struggle with that because personally I feel I should read the entire book, like it or not. I'm working on it.
Unwrapping some things to consider:
It's perfectly alright for you to close a book forever if it's not your cup of tea.
We read books either to learn something or for enjoyment and entertainment. If the book you're reading does not interest you, does not invigorate you, or is just plain boring then by all means put it aside because there are millions of other great books out there that will satisfy your reading pleasure. I promise!
Reading is supposed to be fun and engaging so if you find yourself not paying attention to the narrative, if you are distracted by every movement or noise around you, or if you don't even care about the plight of the characters or where the plot is going.... just stop. It's not happening for you with this book so close it down and move on.
If you feel badly about giving up the book you can always skim the rest of it hoping perhaps things will get better and then be able to say to yourself at least you tried to get the drift of it and complete it. You can also give yourself some boundaries such as reading the first 50 pages or so. If you decide that the book is not your taste by then, with no guilt or apprehension, put it aside. It's that simple. You have to give yourself permission to do it and it's perfectly legal and ok to do so. You are in charge, no one else, so take authority and nix it.
Dr. Seuss put it so eloquently didn't he? If magic is not in the book you are holding and presently reading then cast it aside and find the one that will make you stay up all night to discover the wonderment and magic within. Great books will never disappoint you and they make the best lifelong friends ever. You can trust me on that.
We read books either to learn something or for enjoyment and entertainment. If the book you're reading does not interest you, does not invigorate you, or is just plain boring then by all means put it aside because there are millions of other great books out there that will satisfy your reading pleasure. I promise!
Reading is supposed to be fun and engaging so if you find yourself not paying attention to the narrative, if you are distracted by every movement or noise around you, or if you don't even care about the plight of the characters or where the plot is going.... just stop. It's not happening for you with this book so close it down and move on.
If you feel badly about giving up the book you can always skim the rest of it hoping perhaps things will get better and then be able to say to yourself at least you tried to get the drift of it and complete it. You can also give yourself some boundaries such as reading the first 50 pages or so. If you decide that the book is not your taste by then, with no guilt or apprehension, put it aside. It's that simple. You have to give yourself permission to do it and it's perfectly legal and ok to do so. You are in charge, no one else, so take authority and nix it.
Dr. Seuss put it so eloquently didn't he? If magic is not in the book you are holding and presently reading then cast it aside and find the one that will make you stay up all night to discover the wonderment and magic within. Great books will never disappoint you and they make the best lifelong friends ever. You can trust me on that.
Unwrapping an inspirational story for you...
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Schoolteachers shouldn’t be the only ones promoting reading; even local barbers can do their part to help spur a love of literature.
Don’t believe me? Meet Courtney Holmes, a barber at Spark Family Hair Salon in Dubuque, Iowa. The inspirational barber created a fun idea as part of the local Back to School Bash held in Comiskey Park. The father of two decided to attend the event with clippers in hand and offer free haircuts to kids that read to him.
The community loved it; both parents and kids found it an awesome way to get a new haircut for the upcoming school year while also sharpening their reading skills. Caitlin Daniels, a grade-level reading coordinator with the Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque said, “It’s great. All the kids, they want to have a good haircut to go back to school. They’re paying through reading.”
Reading out loud can be very difficult and even nerve-racking for children, and so Holmes’ goal was to help make them feel more comfortable about doing so.
In an interview with USA Today Holmes explained how it worked: “The kids would come in, and I would say, “Go to the table and get a book you might like, and if you can’t read it, I’ll help you understand and we can read it together.”
Holmes had no idea how the turn out would be, “To be honest, I was amazed. The line started with four kids, and next thing I knew it was like 20 kids, all waiting for a haircut and eager to read.”
Source: earthporm.com
How cool is this guy? Wow! I am so impressed. He needs a medal for doing what he does. Don't you agree?
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Read on and read always!
It's a wrap.
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