Tuesday, January 29, 2019

"Taco Stand - bookwrap


The Taco Stand
by Tim S. Vasquez
Illustrated by Linda Kay Ost

* Ages: 5-8
* Grade Level: PS - 3
* Hardcover: 40 pages
Publisher: Toodaloo Publishing Company
* Pub. Date: March 1, 2019
* Language: English

Advance Praise

"The Taco Stand is a really beautiful book with a great message for children and adults alike: the importance of family and sharing meals together. Isabel shows her love of family through her food and takes a stance at the end of the book—that is the real Taco Stand! This is the book people will taco ‘bout!”

—Beth McDonald, Arizona media icon and morning radio host for over 30 years

Unwrapping some vibrant illustrations 

Unwrapping the book

This book is based on a true story of a couple named Isabel and Poncho, owners of Ponchos Mexican Food in Arizona.  The book is written by their grandson who is now in charge of two restaurants.  The fact that the restaurants are still very popular destinations is a testament to the awesome food that they are yet serving up to their demanding public. 

 It is an inspirational story of a gifted woman's dreams and how with her family's help were made a reality.  The book explains that food is very social and it brings families, neighbours and even strangers together around a table eating their favourite dishes. It points out that family love and values are more important than money or success in life and shares how an entire community steps forward to support and encourage this very talented chef to help make her dreams come true.  

The book underscores that hard work pays off and the strong love of a family that works together can leave a lasting legacy for many generations to come.  

Isabel is a fabulous taco maker and loves to cook for her family.   People come from all around and line up to buy them.  One day a very wealthy man appears and tastes the fruit of her labour. He is beside himself with joy as his tastebuds have a party in his mouth. He gets himself invited to Isabel's home to talk to her about opening up a restaurant so she can share her cooking expertise mainstream. She can them franchise her restaurant many times over thus making lots of money from her taco sales. Of course he wants to be part of that deal and wants to become more rich too. 

Isabel listens politely and intently to all he has to say and then makes a decision that sits well with her own heart.  She decides that she only wants to be with her family... something she values above all else.  No amount of money or prestige can ever substitute the love and happiness she receives by cooking just for them.  

The illustrations are whimsical and a celebration of detail and colour.  I really like them.  This is a wonderful life lesson to pass on to those who read the book. Families are top priority and should be protected and coveted dearly.  No amount of money is worth losing your family over.  They are priceless.   I highly recommend it. 

Storywraps Rating - 5 HUGS!!!!! 

Introducing the Author

‘The Taco Stand’ author, restaurateur instills family values, gives back

Tim S. Vasquez, Coach, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Part-Time Wordsmith

A story of hard work and the love of family, Tim S. Vasquez’s colorful tale gives young readers a closer look at what matters most.

Tim S. Vasquez’s casual, easy-to-read writing style has collided with his vast life experiences to create his long-awaited first book, The Taco Stand. Growing up in the kitchen of his parents’ Mexican restaurant in Tempe, Arizona, has provided him the impetus for the book. Tim is the owner and operator of his family’s restaurants, Someburros and Isabel’s Amor, where he strives each and every day to honor the legacy of his Nana Isabel and Tata Poncho.
Tim’s love of baseball and working with young children led him to host free baseball clinics for the underprivileged boys and girls of Guadalupe, Arizona, where his family has deep roots. That is what sparked his passion for giving back. A portion of the proceeds from this book will be donated to Frank Elementary School in Guadalupe to give children who come from humble beginnings the ability to rise up, succeed, and even pay it forward someday.  
The most important thing the author wants readers to gain from his book:
A story of hard work and the love of family, Tim Vasquez’s colorful tale, The Taco Stand, gives young readers a closer look at what matters most. The story explores what happens when Isabel, known throughout Phoenix for her sensational, crave-able tacos, gets an offer to take those tacos mainstream and open a franchise—but the offer comes at the expense of time with family. As Isabel mulls her options and debates exactly just how much family time is truly worth, young readers will develop a better understanding of the fact that there are some things in life you simply can’t put a price on.  
Why the author is an authority on the subject of his book:

Growing up in the kitchen of his parents’ Mexican restaurant in Tempe, Arizona, provided Tim S. Vasquez with the inspiration for writing the book. Tim is the owner and operator of his family’s restaurants, Someburros and Isabel’s Amor, where he strives each and every day to honor the legacy of his Nana Isabel and Tata Poncho.

About the illustrator

Linda Kay Ost, Illustrator

The Art Process

The illustrations in this book were created using watercolors, pens, and love (secret ingredient… shh!).

The Artist

All I want to do is create art! I am head-over-heels in love with using and crafting innovative artistic methods. I have always resisted rules, structure, and instructions; instead opting for chance and “Let’s just see what happens!” I am fearless when it comes to new ways of expressing myself and am often seen searching for objects such as bottle caps, bolts, and wires to fashion into new experiments of color, texture, and meaning.
I am a mama, grandma, yogi, dancer, swimmer, nature lover, coffee enthusiast, and Mexican food fanatic. My favorite mantra is, “If not now, when?” and that’s how I try to live! Look for me riding my bike all over Bellingham, Washington, especially the boardwalk at Boulevard Park, dancing at the Firehouse, practicing yoga at 3 Om’s and Inspire Yoga Studio, drinking espresso at Wood’s, attending dance classes at WWU, and shopping for local produce at Joe’s Garden.

Facebook: @lindakayost

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Read always.
It's a wrap! 

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