Wednesday, February 27, 2019

"Wish" - a bookwrap

Introducing .... Mouse!  

Finally Mouse gets a wish.  He is so lucky he doesn't just get one... he gets three?  What is he going to do with them now that they are his? 

Written and Illustrated by Chris Saunders

* Age Range:  5-6
* Grade Level:  PS-1
* Hardcover:  32 pages
* Publisher:  words & pictures
* Pub. Date:  March 12, 2019
* Language:  English

Beautiful illustrations for you to enjoy

Rabbit Asks Mouse
Not knowing what to do with his caught wish, Rabbit asks his friend Mouse how he should use it. Due to his tiny size, Mouse says he'd wish for the ability to fly and soar above everything else.

Rabbit Asks Fox
When prompted with the same question - "What would you wish for?" - Fox explains his wish to write stories that other people admire. Rabbit thinks this is a valid wish, but he still cannot think of one for himself.

Rabbit Asks Bear

Bear says his wish is to explore the open sea; after consulting his three friends for advice, Rabbit finally decides what to wish for.

Unwrapping the story

 W. I. S. H. anagram...

Well-wisher. Inspirer. Sharer. Heartwarmer.  Those are all the attributes of Rabbit as finally, one day, three wishes become his! 

"Rabbit was mazed as wishes danced and rose,
then all of a sudden, one landed on his nose!
Two more wishes fell at his feet,
now he had three, oh what a treat!"  

Whatever shall he wish for he ponders?

Undecided about those coveted gifts he seeks advice from his friends regarding their wish preferences.  He visits mouse, fox, and bear.  Without hesitation they share their wishes with Rabbit.  After hearing his friend's hearts desires he finally focuses on himself.  

"What would I wish for?"

As he reviews and recites his friend's wishes out loud he suddenly comes to the sad realization that there is no wish left for him. He uses up all three on them!  Oh no!   

 He is feeling very sad and downhearted.  His three buddies come to thank him for having their wishes granted and the kindness he expresses towards them.  Will that be enough to heal Rabbit's heart and make their friendships even stronger?  

This book is written in rhyme and the illustrations are beautiful.  It highlights being selfless, kind and generous with others.  Rabbit learns the law of reciprocity.... he helps his friends achieve their dreams and in return they include him in the wish that they each received.  Rabbit is rewarded greatly for his goodness.  I highly recommend this book. 

Storywraps Rating -  5 +++ HUGS!!!!!

Meet the Illustrator: Chris Saunders

Describe your illustration style in ten words or less.  Storytelling; using imagination, detail and atmosphere combined with exaggerated physics.

What items are an essential part of your creative space?  My most essential workspace items are my computer, drawing tablet, diary and something to sketch with.

Do you have a favourite artistic medium?  I’m fascinated with the progression of computer generated imagery and the idea of simulation eventually becoming indistinguishable from reality.

Name three artists whose work inspires you. 
Steven Spielberg, Tim Burton and Bruce Lee. 

Which artistic period would you most like to visit and why?  I would like to experience art created in our distant future. It’s would be interesting to experience potential art-forms that we can’t yet comprehend.

Who or what inspired you to become an illustrator?  It’s probably the result of wide variety of factors such as; people, the natural world, video games, comic books, film, literature, music – anything and everything to be honest. 

Can you describe your creative work space?  I mostly work from a home studio. It’s a little chaotic at the moment as we moved house this year and I haven’t decorated yet - I’m surrounded by cardboard boxes.

What is your favourite part of the illustration process?  Taking the fragments of an idea that occupy my subconscious and formulating them into a state of resolution, creatively solving a problem.

What advice would you give to an aspiring illustrator?  Always go with your gut feeling - you are probably right - if you’re not, then be humble and learn from it. Keep moving forward, if only incrementally.

Chris Saunders is an illustrator and author from the North-East UK.  He studied Illustration at The University of Northampton, receiving a First Class BA Honours Degree.  Previously, Chris attained an Art and Design Foundation Studies National Diploma with Distinction. 

You can follow Chris on instagram or check out his blog or agency for more information.

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Read on...
Read always.
It's a wrap! 

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