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Books for Budding Chefs:
10 Great Cookbooks for Kids
by Janssen Bradshaw
Janssen Bradshaw
In her pre-child life, Janssen was an elementary school librarian. Now she stays home with her four little girls and is constantly maxing out her library card with picture books, cookbooks, and young adult novels. She’s anxiously counting down the days until her girls are old enough to read the Little House on the Prairie books. You can find Janssen over on her blog, Everyday Reading, where she celebrates modern motherhood with a practical twist.
Cooking is a great life skill, and kids can start learning it at a young age.
Plus, most kids love the idea of helping out in the kitchen, creating their own culinary masterpieces, and getting a chance to try out all those fun kitchen tools. (I’m an adult, and I still love getting to cut things, use a fancy kitchen gadget, and pull something delicious out of the oven.)
If you have a budding chef who not only wants to help out in the kitchen, but also wants a cookbook of their own, these eight are definite winners. Some are based on famous works of children’s literature, which makes them even more fun. Bon appétit!
by Annabel Karmel
For even the youngest chefs-in-the-making, helping out in the kitchen is well within reach. With the help of The Toddler Cookbook, they’ll learn important skills like measuring, sifting, and mixing, thanks to toddler-friendly step-by-step photos.
(Ages 2 – 5)
by Annabel Karmel
This family-oriented cookbook teaches kids the fun of cooking and encourages healthy eating habits with an assortment of yummy treats. Including delicious recipes with step-by-step instructions and colorful photographs, both parents and children will become top chefs in no time!
(Ages 4 – 8)
by DK
This one will keep you and your sous chef (or is it the other way around?) plenty busy — there are over 150 inviting and exciting recipes to try out. Plan a six-course meal for a special occasion or have a quiet Saturday morning baking muffins. You can’t go wrong!
(Ages 7 – 10)
by Joe Archer and Caroline Craig
This awesomely comprehensive cookbook takes kids back to square one by showing them how to grow their own ingredients at home. Whether your family is interested in starting a home garden or you’ve got a green-thumbed kiddo who’s jonesing for more independence, Plant, Cook, Eat! is the deliciously holistic answer.
(Ages 7 – 10)
by Gino Campagna, illustrated by Mike Lowery
Chef Gino’s Taste Test Challenge brings the life (and laughter) back into the kitchen. Gino challenges kids to be part of the action and get to know their changing taste buds — but most of all, to enjoy themselves!
(Ages 8 – 12)
by Roald Dahl, Felicity Dahl, and Josie Fison, illustrated by Quentin Blake, photographs by Jan Baldwin
If your child is a Roald Dahl fan (and who isn’t?) this recipe book is hilariously perfect, filled with many of the foods that appear in his most famous books. Snozzcumbers, anyone?
(Ages 8 – 12)
by Virginia Ellison, illustrated by Ernest H. Shepard
You might think that this collection would be filled with recipes for gigantic pots of honey, but this cookbook is packed with more than fifty dishes based on the classic stories and tons of gorgeous, full-color illustrations.
(Ages 8 – 12)
by Esme Washburn, photographed by Calista Washburn
For the tween crowd, don’t miss this delightful collection of 20 healthy and adaptable recipes, created by two budding chefs themselves. The emphasis on adaptability is key: once kids get comfortable with a dish, the fun and empowering experimentation can begin. (With adult supervision, of course!)
(Ages 10 – 14)
by Mardi Michels, foreword by Dorie Greenspan
Who ever said French cooking was too difficult? Mardi Michels is here to guide your Julia Child impersonators in making elegant yet everyday French food, from omelettes to crème brûlée. Ç'est magnifique!
(All Ages)
by Carolyn Federman
The best way to get kids interested in trying out new flavors is to invite them into the process. That’s what Carolyn Federman accomplishes in New Favorites for New Cooks, which features 50 enticing recipes that most grownups would be happy to order off a menu. (Savory scones with fresh herb butter? Don’t mind if I do.)
(All Ages)
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in 2015 and updated in 2019.
Marilyn here....
Greetings everyone. Happy you stop by and spend time with my reviews and me. I so appreciate all who do. I had a record number of visitors this week and for that I am so grateful. Thank you all for your wonderful support. The busy Christmas season will soon be upon us and lots of preparation is happening in kitchen's everywhere that celebrate and thus prepare for that blessed event. I thought some cook books might be fun so perhaps your kids can help with some of the food prep. Kid's cookbooks are also perfect for snowy days and for any time when kids have extended time off of school. They are great for kids to read, to measure, to follow instructions ( just to name a few ) and of course the very best, EAT their labour of love! All are a win-win situation for everyone in the family.
Have a wonderful Saturday please and be sure to come back next week as I unwrap some more wonderful kid reads to enjoy! Remember that it's books that bind us together. Be happy your weekend and read on..........!
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I put hours of work finding the best kid's books to review for you each day. If you enjoy visiting Storywraps and would like to donate something for my time and effort I would greatly appreciate it.
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I thank you in advance for your support. I adore what I do and would appreciate any amount that you may give so that I can make our Storywraps' community more thriving and exciting. Thanks a million! Books bind us together.
Read on...
Read always.
It's a wrap!
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