Thursday, February 15, 2007

Reading here, reading there, reading everywhere

There is no proper place to plunk down, quiet yourself, and enjoy a good storybook. Books should be part of your home's decor. Books should not only be in the family room, but little libraries should be found in bedrooms, baskets of books can be placed in the bathroom, the kitchen, and even in the car. When you have a few minutes to spare at the doctor's or dentist's office, pull a favourite story out of your purse or travelling backpack and curl up and read together. It will make the waiting time not only profitable but much shorter. Another great place to read in the summertime is in the garden or swinging on a hammock. Small books, large books, picture books, and chapter books should be scattered around for easy retrieval. Don't forget to include maps, menus, phone books and recipies. Make reading and stories part of your everyday life experiences and let the words flow.......everywhere you look a word is staring back at you. Go on an adventure and find out.

1 comment:

Lady P. said...

Couldn't agree more !!
Thanks for getting the word out !