Saturday, December 8, 2007

what an evening!!!

Last night was the Christmas tree lighting ceremony in downtown Streetsville. All the shops were open late and what a great time was had by all. We were so excited to present a beautiful children's choir, which we called the Baby Bookworm's choir perform in our house last night. The children were positioned on our beautifully decorated staircase and throughout the house there were triangles tinkling, bells jingling and precious children singing the songs of the season. Their wonderful director, Claudia, is so to be commended as she rehearsed and oversaw these little ones as they presented their musical gift of Christmas. Thank you Claudia and all the parents who so generously lent us their children for the evening. They also bundled up and sang on the steps outside the house so all the village could enjoy their musical magic. Merry Christmas to everyone from 223 Queen Street!!! Our books are exquisite and ready to be purchased to be given as gifts that will hold cherished memories of the season. Let us not forget to give the gift of Christmas literature to our children.

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