Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What is new the book section?

Find any treasures that you would like to share? What are your kids reading for fun? What are you reading for fun? Let's share the wealth as we swap titles and conversations and stories that have touched our lives. You know you don't even have to read your child a story....you can tell you child a story. Share your childhood, about your mom and dad, what you did for fun when you were small....or best yet..use your imagination and make up a tall tale using your child/family as the heroes. Storytelling is precious and you automatically get a captive audience. Try to spin a tale or two tonight at bedtime, or in the car, while they are in the tub....tell your story re-tell a childhood favourite story that you liked , have your child tell you a story - heart to heart. Families that share stories together , love together.

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